Kevin Conroy, the quintessential Batman, passed away at the age of 66, earlier this week. He was famously known for his voice roles in Batman: The Animated Series, Batman: Arkham Games, and many such other projects. The Empire State Building, one of the most iconic landmarks of New York City on which Gotham City is heavily based, was lit up with a Bat Signal this week in his honor. Conroy’s deep and gruff voice led him to glory as the title character in Batman: The Animated Series which ran from 1992 to 1996.
Kevin Conroy’s death called up for a truce between the DC and Marvel Fans
On the death of the legendary Batman, Kevin Conroy, who most tag as “the only Batman” they know of, many Marvel and DC Fans joined in and honored by placing flowers at the foot of the Batman Statue, that stands at 09 Palm Ave, Burbank, California.
Seeing that on Twitter, fans flooded with tweets and retweets, confessing what they feel about Conroy’s death. He truly was one of the most beloved voice actors of out time, starting his DCAU journey with Batman: The Animated Series.
Also, many fans went on to have long discussions about it on Reddit:
Conroy’s death wreak havoc on the internet as well as in the DC-Marvel Universe as he was loved and respected by all comic fans genuinely. As could be seen, people from all comic lines honored him as he deserved to be honored. His death came as a blow to fans and celebrities alike.
Without Kevin Conroy, BTAS has no Punchline
Kevin Conroy died at the age of 66. He was an ideal Batman as the fans believe, having the perfect voice for the character who is gritty, dark, and cold. Also, he was dynamic and versatile, being able to tone his voice down to become the playboy business tycoon, Bruce Wayne. He had been doing Batman for about 29 years now.
Read Also: Every Batman Arkham Game – Ranked Worst to Best
Many of the fans are overwhelmed by his death to such an extent that they want DCAU should shut down Batman Animation projects, that is., if they are aiming for any. Moreover, they claim that DCAU should retire even Batman: Arkham Games. All this is because of the shocking death of Kevin Conroy – the vengeance, the night, the Batman!
Source: Twitter