In the ever-growing world of anime, there are a few series that have managed to leave a mark in the initial days of their release. One such anime and manga series is Chainsaw Man. After selling over 23 million copies and earning a slot in one of the best-selling manga, the series became a success. The Harvey and Shogakukan Manga Awards went to Chainsaw Man. The series concluded its first season in 2022, and fans are constantly coming up with new ideas for the love of anime.
And after the huge success of the One Piece live-action series, fans surely want to see a live-action movie or series for their favorite anime of 2022. Many believe that Chainsaw Man has the potential and storyline to be made into live-action and deliver a successful result as good as One Piece.
Fans Portray Tom Holland as Denji From Chainsaw Man
Chainsaw Man is the story of Denji, an impoverished young man who enters into a contract in which his body is fused with that of a dog-like devil named Pochita, providing him the ability to change parts of his body into chainsaws. Denji finally joins the Public Safety Devil Hunters, a government organization dedicated to combating devils anytime they pose a threat to Japan. Critics have praised its writing, characters, dark humor, and violent sequences within the framework of the story.
Amid the One Piece live-action hype, a Chainsaw Man. fan took to Twitter, to share a poster of a live-action live-action adaptation for the series, featuring Tom Holland and Margot Robbie.
The Poster also stars Ryan Gosling, Zendaya, Kristen Stewart and Mads Mikelson as supporting character and Quentin Tarantino as the director of the movie. It features Tom Holland as the main character Denji, Margot Robbie as Makima, Kristen Stewart as Himeno, Ryan Gosling as Aki Hayakawa, Zendaya as Power and finally Mads as Captain Kishibe.
Fans Think The Movie Will Get 5 Stars
Although the cast and director are one of the biggest in the industry and would surely be apt for the role, fans had a mixed reaction to the edited poster. Some thought that it was a five-star and some believed that Tom Holland was not the perfect choice for Denji. Replying to the post of Twitter user @CSPerfectShot a fan believed that the movie would get five stars.
Another fan questioned the editing, saying “I never questioned it but Ryan gosling is just Ryan gosling in this image they don’t edit him like the rest”
One fan believed that Tom Holland was not the perfect choice for the role. He said “Tom Holland doesn’t radiate Denji energy”
Live Action series and movies were accustomed to failure before One Piece came and shattered all the stereotypes. But fans believe that although the actors are huge, the cast of the fan made poster is not correct and may yet yield out another flop.
All the episode of Season 1 of the series Chainsaw Man are available to stream on Crunchyroll and Netflix.
Source: Twitter