The first episode of Marvel’s Secret Invasion was released on Disney+ on 21st June 2023. In the series, which is the first series of the MCU’s Phase 5, Nick Fury teams up with his allies to stop a secret Skrull invasion. The first episode introduces the viewers to the actual threat.
Spoiler Alert: This article contains spoilers for Episode 1 of Secret Invasion.
Fans are introduced to Skrull rebel Gravik, who attacks Vossoyedineniye Square. At the end of the action sequence, Nick Fury shoots Maria Hill. It wasn’t Fury who shot her, it was actually Gravik who shapeshifted into Fury. Maria Hill was first introduced in the franchise in 2011’s The Avengers. The actress who plays the role, Cobie Smulders, recently talked about her character’s death.
Cobie Smulders talked about Maria Hill’s death
In the first episode of Marvel’s Secret Invasion, Maria Hill, played by actress Cobie Smulders, gets shot. The character’s sudden death left a lot of fans shocked. Cobie Smulders appeared for an interview with Vanity Fair and talked about Maria Hill’s death,
“There is a Multiverse now, so anything is possible. But I’m pretty sure this is it.”
The actress said that Maria Hill’s death “felt strange,” adding that it felt “very human” and it was a sad day. Her demise left many fans heartbroken as the character had a lot of potential.
Gravik killed Maria Hill
Gravik shapeshifted into Nick Fury and shot Maria Hill directly in the stomach. Smulders explained what went through Hill’s head when she got shot,
“To have Fury see himself, to know that Hill thinks that Fury shot her—that’s the pain of that moment. I like to think that she, by the time she passed, knew it wasn’t him. Initially, it’s terrifying and so confusing. But I’d like to think she got there.”
The actress also added that this was the first time she died on camera. Hill was very close to Nick Fury and one of the best agents Fury had by his side.
The show received mixed reviews
This new phase of Marvel is not everyone’s cup of tea, but so far, the show has kept many fans on their toes. With five more episodes, the show still has a lot of potential to impress the fans. Cobie Smulders was also supposed to appear in the upcoming movie, The Marvels (2023) but now it seems like her days as Maria Hill have come to an end.
In a recent interview with ScreenRant, the director of the show Ali Selim revealed that he was told not to read the Secret Invasion comic storyline before working on the show. A lot of people trolled the director while some people believe that this new approach might work.
A new episode of Secret Invasion airs on Disney+ every Wednesday.
Source: Vanity Fair