As the season three finale of Apple TV+’s sports comedy series, Ted Lasso, aired on Wednesday, fans were left grappling with some unanswered questions about the show’s future. Created with a three-season arc in mind, the finale initially left viewers wondering if it marked the end of their beloved series that follows the story of an American coach Ted, played by Jason Sudeikis. And recently, actress Hannah Waddingham a.k.a Rebecca addressed the lingering doubts about the show.
During her conversation with the Hollywood Reporter, Waddingham admitted that she too was kept in the dark regarding the future of the show. Revealing how she is not ready to say goodbye to her character, Waddingham hinted that she would love to consider working in a spin-off if the opportunity arises.
Hannah Waddingham admits she is not yet ready to move on
While addressing the questions surrounding the show’s future, Hannah Waddingham clarified,
“There was lots of like, snotty, heavy breathing I genuinely don’t know [if this is the end].”
Furthermore, she said that even though she is not ready to move on from her character yet, she thinks that the uncertainty about the future has helped the team stick to the original conclusion. She said,
“That’s what’s kind of unnerving about it because I’m not ready to say goodbye to Rebecca, or any of them. But also, I’m quite glad that I don’t know, because I think it would have made all of us have play this season, and certainly the season finale, differently. I think we had to take it in earnest and honour it”
Moreover, when asked if she would be interested in any potential spin-off, the 48-year-old actor said, “All of us would be fools to not entertain it.”
Reiterating how no one in the team is ready to say goodbye to the Ted Lasso world, Waddingham added that there was a danger in even thinking about it ending, just in case it does not happen.
Jason Sudeikis opens up on the possibility of another Ted Lasso season
When asked if there can be any more seasons or spin-offs based on the show’s characters, actor Jason Sudeikis replied,
“This is the end of this story that we wanted to tell, that we were hoping to tell, that we loved to tell.”
However, he further added that it was flattering to see people being curious beyond season three. Adding that it’s lovely to see people wanting to watch further stories about the character, Sudeikis did not completely discard the possibility of future episodes or spin-offs. He said,
“Maybe once all episodes of the season [have been released], they’re like, ‘Man, you know what, we get it, we’re fine. We don’t need anymore, we got it.’ But until that time comes, I will appreciate the curiosity beyond what we’ve come up with so far.”
It seems that amidst the anticipation for Season 4, the uncertainty about the show’s future hangs in the air. Since there has been no official confirmation on whether the season three finale will indeed be the show’s final episode, it looks like there might still be a ray of hope for Ted Lasso fans.
Source: Independent