Back in 2020, Ben Affleck, who is popularly renowned for his role as the Dark Knight in Batman v. Superman and Justice League, did a historical action drama film called The Last Duel, starring alongside his offscreen best pal and Oscar-winner Matt Damon, the English actress Jodie Comer, and House of Gucci‘s Adam Driver.
Directed by Ridley Scott, the filming of the movie took place in France, which is why the Gone Girl actor had to fly back home to his family to celebrate his eight-year-old’s birthday. But he faced quite a predicament at the time when his plan to surprise his son ended up going into the smoke. Luckily enough for him, his co-star, Adam Driver, ended up saving the day, and it meant the world to Ben Affleck.
Ben Affleck was deeply grateful for Adam Driver’s kindness
During the promotion of The Last Duel, Ben Affleck appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live! to talk about the film, when he recalled a heartfelt incident involving his son and co-star, Adam Driver.
When Affleck flew back home from the shooting of the movie to attend his son’s birthday, he had a whole surprise planned for his little one wherein various gifts of his liking were going to be shipped to the party. Unfortunately, the presents never made it to their destination, and The Accountant star was crestfallen.
But Adam Driver ended up being the knight in shining armor for not only Affleck but his son as well.
Adam Driver made Ben Affleck a real-life hero to his son
Driver, who is known for playing the role of the leader of the First Order, Kylo Ren, in Star Wars: The Force Awakens, got to know about the sour situation Affleck had landed into and immediately mended it as he sent presents to his co-star’s son as the dark warrior himself. And the best part about it all was that Affleck’s son was a huge Kylo Ren fan.
The Argo star recalled the emotional moment:
“And then he goes, ‘But, there is some news. Adam [Driver] heard you say it was your son’s birthday, and so he called your assistant and got your address, and sent some presents and signed a card and a picture from Kylo Ren.’ I watched him open up all the presents. And I said, ‘My presents didn’t get here on time. ‘But I did get a present from somebody who really wanted to make sure you got a gift.’ And he goes, ‘Who?’ And I said, ‘Kylo Ren.’”
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Affleck reminisced how the moment was an “incredibly moving and powerful one,” and how he would forever be grateful to The Report star for doing what he did for him and his kid.
“Adam made me a hero to my kid, and I will never, ever, ever forget that.”
Adam Driver might have made Ben Affleck look like a superhero in real life, but what he did was no less than a heroic gesture either.
Source: Esquire