In retrospect, it’s undeniable that Game of Thrones achieved a rarity in television history. The show’s mastery of character-driven storytelling within its expansive, immersive world formed the foundation of its allure. Its awe-inspiring cinematography added another layer of accomplishment, shaping Westeros into a realm where challenges were met with swordplay and strategy.
The unparalleled triumph of Game of Thrones crowned it the planet’s premier television series, enticing numerous actors to join its ranks. While Richard Madden (who portrayed Robb Stark for three seasons) cherished his extended tenure, departing the series eventually left him “grateful” for the journey.
Game Of Thrones Wasn’t Easy For Richard Madden
Having departed from Game of Thrones, Richard Madden has ventured into a diverse array of roles, encompassing royalty, law enforcement, military service, and even superhero characters. It’s likely that this opportunity for creative exploration was only possible due to his well-timed departure from the show.
In a Actors on Actors conversation with Amy Adams for Variety, Richard Madden delved into his experiences during his time on Game of Thrones. While his character Robb Stark met a tragic demise in season 3, many of his co-stars continued throughout the entire eight-season journey. Having dedicated five pivotal years to the show, Madden expressed his gratitude for the valuable lessons he gained.
“I died at the end of season 3. It was such a hard thing to finish because from first pilot to my death was five years. But five years was a great time to be on the show. It helped me so much with my career and experience. I learned a lot from shooting 30 hours of television. You really start to learn the trade doing that. And then I was thankful to leave it. The actors on it now must be 11 years into playing these characters. Give these guys some medals, because that is a marathon.”
Although excited about exploring diverse genres and new roles, Madden couldn’t help but feel a sense of “sadness” when parting ways with his Game of Thrones family, whom he had shared significant time with.
Richard Madden Was Happy Yet Sad
Richard Madden expressed his contentment with moving forward from that experience and embracing a variety of roles throughout his twenties. He highlighted that television shows can impose limitations due to commitments, preventing actors from taking on different projects.
“I was happy to move on from that and work through the rest of my twenties doing other jobs, other characters. There’s a restraint that comes from doing these television shows because sometimes you can’t — you’re not allowed to do other things.”
Managing various endeavors alongside television commitments proved to be a complex task for the actor due to scheduling clashes and promotional obligations. While Madden felt a sense of melancholy about bidding farewell to Game of Thrones, he expressed a strong sense of readiness and comfort with his departure from the show.
Game Of Thrones is available for streaming on HBO Max.
Source: YouTube