Uma Thurman, known for her collaborations with director Quentin Tarantino, once disclosed an intriguing detail about the filmmaker’s approach to dealing with crew members who would doze off during shoots. Thurman, who worked with Tarantino on films like $181 million grossing Kill Bill and $214 million bagging Pulp Fiction, shared an unusual form of punishment involving a large dildo playfully referred to as an “elephant inseminator” due to its considerable girth.
In a 2003 interview on Late Night with Conan O’Brien, Thurman openly discussed the unconventional method of discipline employed by Quentin Tarantino.
Uma Thurman reveals Quentin Tarantino’s ‘troubling’ approach to punishment
Describing the weapon of choice, Uma Thurman humorously gestured with her arm to illustrate its size and exclaimed, “I don’t know who this is made for. An elephant r*pist would use this thing.”
Moreover, she went on to reveal that when crew members were found dozing off on set, the imposing object would be brought out, somewhat like the suspenseful reveal of Jaws, and positioned in close proximity to the slumbering offender’s face.
“So this elephant r*pist tool, or elephant inseminator, whatever it was…Whenever snores would be found in various corners of the set, it would be brought out like Jaws, and then sort of presenting is some ungodly horrific angle next to the face of the offending sleeper.”
While Thurman’s remarks made it apparent that she found the punishment unsettling, she also expressed her discomfort with the practice, describing it as unkind. She mentioned the existence of a “wall of shame” adorned with photographs of those caught sleeping, and despite her attempts to liberate the wall, it remained securely locked away.
“I was quite troubled by it. I found it quite unkind. There would be photographs taken, and there was a wall of shame. I attempted to kidnap this wall on several occasions, but it was kept under lock and key.”
In another instance, Quentin Tarantino himself confirmed the existence of this method during his own appearance on Late Night with Conan O’Brien.
Quentin Tarantino reveals why he chose this method of punishment
When asked about how he dealt with individuals sleeping on set, Tarantino explained his rationale, stating, “It always bugged me when you shoot at night and see a crew member or an actor sleeping.” However, he claimed to have devised a solution that no longer bothered him and even brought him a sense of satisfaction.
Tarantino had even given a name to his weapon of choice, referring to it as “Big Jerry.” He introduced this prop during the production of Jackie Brown and shared, “Big Jerry is a big purple dildo that’s about this long,” accompanied by a visual demonstration. The director elaborated, “It’s the second biggest dildo in the store. If somebody has fallen asleep, we come in with Big Jerry, as close to the mouth as humanly possible.”
Interestingly, this unconventional disciplinary approach extended beyond Uma Thurman’s experiences. During the filming of Inglourious Basterds, Tarantino continued to employ “Big Jerry” as a means of keeping the crew awake. Actor Michael Fassbender revealed that photographs of individuals caught sleeping with the dildo near their faces were displayed on a “Board of Shame” and explained that the idea was based on a “three strikes and you’re out” rule.
Despite the weapon’s potential to evoke concern, Fassbender admitted that he had managed to avoid detection due to his tendency to nap discreetly. Even prominent actors like Brad Pitt found themselves featured on the “Board of Shame,” demonstrating that no one was exempt from Tarantino’s unconventional strategy.
Source: Late Night With Conan O’Brien