Following the tragic incident on the set of Rust, resulting in the accidental shooting death of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins, Dwayne Johnson, renowned as one of Hollywood’s prominent action stars, decided to employ rubber guns on his own sets exclusively.
During the filming of Red Notice, meticulous safety protocols were diligently followed on-set, as is customary in most productions. However, in light of the heartbreaking loss of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins on the set of Alec Baldwin’s film Rust, Dwayne Johnson has made a heartfelt commitment to discontinue the use of real firearms in all projects produced by his company, Seven Bucks Productions.
Dwyane Johnson Was Heartbroken By The News
Given his involvement with firearms in the film Red Notice, Dwayne Johnson has decided to utilize rubber guns on his own sets exclusively. Furthermore, he is determined to enforce this rule with any studio he collaborates with, emphasizing the importance of safety and minimizing risks associated with real firearms.
“First of all, I was heartbroken,” Johnson told Variety. “We lost a life. My heart goes out to her family and everybody on set. I’ve known Alec, too, for a very long time.”
Continuing his stance on firearm safety, Johnson expressed his intention to completely eliminate the utilization of real guns in any film he is involved with. In addition, he emphasized that his production company, in partnership with Dany Garcia, will also join in abandoning the use of real firearms, prioritizing the implementation of safer alternatives.
“I can’t speak for anyone else, but I can tell you, without an absence of clarity here, that any movie that we have moving forward with Seven Bucks Productions — any movie, any television show, or anything we do or produce — we won’t use real guns at all,” the actor said.
Dwayne Johnson Admits Accidents Can Happen On Sets
Acknowledging the track record of secure sets he has been part of, Johnson expressed pride in maintaining a culture of safety. However, he also recognized the unfortunate reality that accidents can still occur. Therefore, he emphasized the necessity of implementing robust measures to ensure workplace safety and prevent potential mishaps.
“I love the movie business,” Johnson told Variety. “There are safety protocols and measures that we have always taken in the movie business and we take very seriously, and these sets are safe sets, and we’re proud of that. But accidents do happen. And when something like this happens of this magnitude, [that is] this heartbreaking, I think the most prudent thing and the smartest thing to do is just pause for a second and really re-examine how you’re going to move forward and how we’re going to work together.”
In a firm conclusion, Johnson asserted that the newly implemented measures are absolute and non-negotiable. He declared, “Any movie we do that Seven Bucks does with any studio, the rule is we’re not going to use real guns. That’s it.“
Red Notice is available for streaming on Netflix.
Source: Variety