In 2017, the coming-of-age romantic drama Call Me By Your Name catapulted actor Timothée Chalamet to international fame. Portraying the role of a vulnerable and magnetic character Elio, Chalamet was dubbed as a “once-in-a-generation talent” by GQ. Since then, the actor has been seen in multiple projects like Lady Bird, Little Women, and recently in the sci-fi epic Dune. However, unfortunately, not many are aware of the actor’s rapping talent.
One of the youngest actors to receive a Best Actor Oscar nomination, it seems like Chamalet was destined for the silver screen. But surprisingly, the actor had a whole different career path planned for himself.
Timothée Chalamet and his unsuccessful career in hip-hop
It is known that Timothée Chalamet was already dabbling in film and TV roles during his high school years before he made it big in Hollywood. However, interestingly, the Dune actor was also pursuing a completely different career path while attending the Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School for Music & Art and Performing Arts in New York City.
And that alternate career path was hip-hop! Rapping under the pseudonym of Lil’ Timmy Tim, Chalamet was quite famous in his school, especially when it came to talent shows. Evidence for this is now available on YouTube where Chalamet can be seen performing the ‘Statistics Yo’ rap.
Apart from that, Chalamet revealed that he met his idol Kid Cudi at the age of seventeen, and according to Pop Sugar, the actor revealed that his meeting with Kid Cudi “inspired me to be an artist in a lot of ways.” But the only highlight of his rap career seems to be the Statics song sung by him.
Why did Timothée Chalamet make a rap song for his Statistics teacher?
What’s surprising to note is that in the video, Chalamet can be seen expressing his affection for his school’s statistics teacher Mrs. Lawton. While talking about it all on the Graham Norton Show, Chalamet said,
“I did it with a friend on a green screen in school, and I was gonna Photoshop my teacher’s face in, but I got too lazy, so now … I’m pointing around and there’s nothing.”
Joking about the video, Chalamet’s co-star Armie Hammer said during his interview with Ellen Degeneres that the rap was actually Chalamet’s way of getting back to his teacher who probably gave him a D+ on his project.
Moreover, Chalamet’s unique talents also attracted some special female attention during his school days. PopBuzz reveals that while in high school, Chalamet dated pop superstar Madonna’s daughter, Lourdes Leon, for a number of years.
Source: Pop Sugar