Will was played by Jabari Banks in a new version of the popular sitcom The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. The sitcom was revived as Bel-Air and premiered on February 13, 2023. The 24-year-old actor is frequently likened to Will Smith, and his acting abilities are also being discussed.
For many, Banks is the future star, and some still believe that no one can play Will as good as the Men In Black actor did in the 1990s. Since his appearances in Bel-Air and Kid Of The Year, Banks has amassed a large fan base. Fans are curious about the young actor’s future plans.
Jabari Banks wants to be the next Spiderman
During an interview, Jabari Banks was asked about his favorite Marvel Superhero. The 24-year-old actor was also asked if he ever decides to enter the world of Marvel then which character he would like to play on the big screen. Banks expressed an interest in playing Spiderman on the big screen. he said, “I think I want to be Spider-Man. Spider-Man, he’s my favorite superhero.” The young actor is a huge fan of Spiderman and fans believe that he can pull off the role as well.
Banks impressed the audience with his performance in Bel-Air. Both the seasons of the drama series are doing well. Season 1 received a slow start but it has succeeded in entertaining people. Many people are comparing the old sitcom to the new one and some people still think the 90s Will Smith Sitcom The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air is much better than Bel-Air.
Jabari Banks says the filming experience for Bel-Air was a rollercoaster for him
Bel-Air season 2 was released on 23 February 2023. The first season of the drama series garnered mixed reactions. Banks is definitely loved by the younger generation. The 24-year-old actor’s character in the series is also very relatable. While talking about the filming experience of his drama series. The young actor said,
“It’s an ongoing journey. I think it clicked in episode one of Season 1, a couple scenes in. I was like, “Okay, I’ve got it. This is how you do it.” Because when I first started, I didn’t know what I was doing. I was just going along, rolling with the punches. I definitely caught my stride, but it was a roller coaster. It’s a journey, and there are hills and valleys, ups and downs, throughout the whole journey.”
He further added,
“I have to respect that because that’s a part of the process. As an actor, you’re not always gonna be 100%, but the beautiful part about it is that, even when you’re not at 100%, you can use that. Someone’s always gonna take away something from my performance, so my biggest mission and my job is to show up and give something, every day, even if I can’t give 100%. I still have to give something. That’s my job.”
Banks also explained that he derives his inspiration from the famous filmmaker Tim Burton. He said he likes Burton’s vision and whenever he takes a look at his work he always gets to see his idea. The Bel-Air actor also mentioned that he would like to follow in the same footsteps. Banks is getting famous on the internet as well since he was seen as Will in the 2022 released drama series.