The Marvel star Robert Downey Jr. has gained worldwide recognition with his work as Tony Stark, aka Iron Man, in the MCU. While his journey with Marvel Studios has been quite pleasant, the actor has had ups and downs throughout his career. His work was received pretty well during his initial years in the industry, and he even received an Oscar nomination for his 1992 biographical drama Chaplin. However, his career took a major setback due to his addictions.
He has opened up about he had been an addict since a very young age due to his father, who introduced him to drugs. However, with the necessary treatment, he resolved his issues, made a comeback, and has given several hits since. However, during a 2008 interview with Rolling Stone, the actor revealed that drugs were not the only addiction he suffered from.
Robert Downey Jr. Opens Up About His Addiction
Robert Downey Jr. has been quite open about his struggles with substance addictions and how he overcame such issues to move ahead in his life. However, during a 2008 interview with Rolling Stone, the actor shared a little too much about his personal life and addictions.
The Iron Man star shared that he used to be a “serial mast*rbator” for a certain period of his life, as he opened up about his s*x life. He further went on to share, “But it was the best thing I could have been. I utilized that organ and rode it for everything it was worth.”
While he did admit that it was a “compulsive” thing for him, he never followed it in his relationships. He shared that it is one of the things that make him stand out, saying that it’s not a “motivating factor” for him anymore, and called his relationship with his wife sacred.
When Robert Downey Jr. Stunned Cambridge University
One of the things fans love about the Sherlock Holmes star is that he never hesitates to speak his mind. And he left everyone stunned as he did the same while attending an event at Cambridge University.
During his visit to the university, one of the students asked him a bizarre question, as questioned about the size of his p*nis. However instead of hesitating or being taken aback by the question he gave an apt answer. “They don’t call me throbbing kn*b for nothing,” he replied to the student’s question. The student reporter later claimed that they asked him about it, as others’ questions seemed boring to him.
Source: Rolling Stone