The 2016 Ghostbusters reboot tried to put a refreshing twist on the beloved franchise. While the spotlight has predominantly focused on stars Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Kate McKinnon, and Leslie Jones, actor Chris Hemsworth surprised audiences with his delightful and hilarious portrayal of Kevin, the Ghostbusters’ secretary. But despite Hemsworth’s positively surprising performance what forced one of his co-actors to ask him to shut up?
Cast as the good-looking yet dim-witted Australian receptionist, Hemsworth’s comedic talent proved to be a pleasant surprise. Although Hemsworth may not have been widely recognized for his comedic chops before, his previous experience in the 2015 film Vacation showcased his potential in the genre.
Why was Melissa McCarthy forced to utter a guttural ‘Shut Up!’ to Chris Hemsworth
Director Paul Feig assured Chris Hemsworth that he needn’t worry about generating laughs, as he had the option to stick to the script. However, Hemsworth’s improvisational skills proved to be exceptional. While the Thor: Ragnarok actor’s co-stars showered him with praise during an appearance on The Graham Norton Show, Melissa McCarthy jokingly expressed her desire for him to have a flaw, confessing that she had never rooted for someone to be a jerk. She said,
“I have never rooted for someone maybe to be just an unbelievable jerk. I just needed something to be wrong with him. And there was nothing!”
Explaining how Hemsworth’s perfection irritated her, McCarthy revealed an incident that forced her to ask him to shut up.
We were talking about music or playing something and I said what song are you talking about? And he started singing and I did not mean to, but very …it was deep and guttural, I was like ‘You shut up! Will you shut up Chris?’ He started to sound like a songbird and I was like ‘You can’t have another thing. Just be quiet.’ I don’t tell people to shut up but I was like ‘You shut up!’
Furthermore, another Ghostbusters actor, Leslie Jones added that everyone on set suspected Hemsworth of bringing his own writers to work due to his effortless comedic brilliance.
When Chris Hemsworth almost quit Ghostbusters
In one of his media interactions, Chris Hemsworth revealed his initial uncertainty about accepting the role of Kevin, the assistant to the Ghostbusters team. In an interview with Variety, Hemsworth expressed his reservations and almost considered pulling out of the film.
The actor explained that despite director Paul Feig’s assurance that the character would be developed, the script remained largely unchanged. Hemsworth’s agent, Bryan Lourd, organized a meeting with Feig, who highlighted the role’s potential for improvisation and memorable moments. However, this didn’t alleviate Hemsworth’s concerns, and he admitted feeling nervous and unprepared on set.
“The night before I was shooting, I almost pulled out. Three or four weeks prior, Paul [Feig, director] said to me, ‘I’m going to write up the character. Don’t worry.’ And then I got the script and nothing had changed.’”
Yet, Hemsworth turned his apprehension into a strength. He found himself relying on the talented cast, feeding off their energy, and embracing the ridiculousness of his character. The film went on to achieve commercial success, grossing $128 million in the U.S. and $229 million worldwide. Although praised by some critics, Ghostbusters faced backlash from fans who criticized its focus on female characters.
Reflecting on the negative reception, Hemsworth expressed disappointment and questioned the entitlement of certain fans to dictate the direction of beloved characters. He found the backlash unfortunate, emphasizing that the film offered a fresh and exciting take on the Ghostbusters universe.
Fans can watch Ghostbusters on Apple TV or ABC. The movie is also available to rent on Amazon Prime Video.