DC Universe’s Lois Lane, Amy Adams, had stepped into Zack Snyder’s world alongside Henry Cavill as Superman’s partner-in-crime. As the two comic-fabled heroes ran around saving the world, jumping from one disaster to another, their representation in the SnyderVerse made them into the ultimate, invincible power couple in the DCEU fandom.
However, behind the scenes, it was not all sunshine and love between Henry Cavill and Amy Adams. As the pair grew closer over the years and became friends, what should have been an easy task on-screen turned into a hindrance while portraying the relationship between Clark Kent and Lois Lane.
Amy Adams Discloses Her Problems With Intimacy Scenes
The intimacy scenes in any movie happen to progress the developmental arc of the protagonist(s) and give them the emotional impetus to push their narratives forward. Whether it be as simple as comforting someone after a devastating loss or kissing one’s onscreen partner, these scenes strive to bring out the raw emotions involved and show the humane aspects of life that even the world’s strongest superhero needs to tread through on occasion.
Applying this narrative to the four-walled sets of a movie shoot, intimacy scenes then become very technical at their core and it is then the director or the intimacy coordinator’s job to guide and nudge the actors to a certain angle that would best capture the moment through the directorial lens. And this is exactly what happened on the set of 2013’s Man of Steel between Amy Adams and Henry Cavill. While replying to a young fan’s question about whether it was magical or disgusting to kiss Cavill onscreen, the Sharp Objects actress says:
“I don’t think that kissing Henry can ever be described as disgusting. I don’t want to cross over a professional line but [it’s] certainly not disgusting. When you do kissing scenes, it really is one of those strange things because it’s so not intimate but you have to convey a level of intimacy and there’s truly no intimacy.”
The justification then shatters the faux illusion of two people falling in love that brings out the “aww”-inducing moments whenever the screen pans toward them and you realize that the director is probably telling one of them to bend their head slightly to the left in order to best frame the scene.
Amy Adams Talks About On-Set Technicalities & Henry Cavill
Kevin James, Zack Snyder, and Amy Adams find common ground while bickering and miming how directors and coordinators make the actors pose at a certain angle while doing a particular scene. The latter reveals her frustration at the ironic fact that intimacy scenes that are supposed to be the most effortless end up being the ones that are viewed the most through a technical lens.
“It’s always so technical and it’s so weird because I’ve been working with Henry and we’ve become friends and now I have to kiss him and it’s like uh, alright… Well, at least it wasn’t the first scene that we were doing ‘cuz I’ve had that happen too and that’s even weirder, you know.”
Amy Adams would go on to portray Lois Lane in two other movies within DCEU — Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and Justice League. Even though the controlled demolition of the SnyderVerse had resulted in the disappearance of Lois Lane and Superman from the DC universe narrative, the recent re-entry of Henry Cavill has put the actress at the forefront of the narrative with her character as the journalist extraordinaire expected to return in the in-development film, Man of Steel 2.
Source: Henry Cavill Org