“I don’t know”: Even One Punch Man Illustrator Yusuke Murata isn’t Sure if Saitama Can Beat Goku

Even One Punch Man Illustrator Yusuke Murata isn’t Sure if Saitama Can Beat Goku

It has been an ever-ending debate ever since the release of One Punch Man that who would win in a face-off between none other than Saitama and Son Goku from the Dragon Ball franchise.

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One Punch Man, Saitama
One Punch Man, Saitama

While mangakas and illustrators of manga franchises usually do not respond to such comparisons and mind their own business, the illustrator of the One Punch Man manga series Yusuke Murata a few years back did touch on the topic of who would win between Saitama and Son Goku.

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One Punch Man Illustrator Responds To Online Debate

Since the original source was a Live Stream done in Japanese, a user Via Reddit revealed Murata said “I don’t know” while talking about the Saitama vs. Goku debate that keeps happening online. While it might not be much, the statement clears out how the illustrator of the One Punch Man manga series himself agrees that both the characters are on the same power level, making it difficult to determine the outcome of the fight.

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Saitama Vs. Goku
Saitama Vs. Goku

It is also important to note that the live stream was translated to English by a Reddit user, and according to the same user, Murata sounded serious when answering the question, meaning he was genuinely confused and curious about who would win a showdown between the two iconic characters.

Also Read: One Punch Man Movie Coming From Venom Writers

History Of Saitama Vs. Son Goku

The franchise of Dragon Ball since its release back in the 1980s has managed to establish the fact over the decades that Goku is the strongest anime character ever, with evolving transformations occasionally and unbeatable power levels, the character deservingly remains crowned as one of the most intimidating individuals.

Dragon Ball Z Goku
Dragon Ball Z Goku

However, the release of One Punch Man webcomics by ONE in 2009 brought a change to this dynamic, with many fans now challenging the position of Goku as the most powerful anime character.

The rest remains history, as this particular debate remains one of the most talked about topics in the whole of the anime fandom, as the position of the strongest character ever is not a small claim after all.

Also Read: “Please make me stronger”: ‘Strongest’ S-Class Hero in One Punch Man Universe Likely to Unlock New Power Level – Can He Finally Beat Saitama? – FandomWire

Source: ComicBook


Written by Aaditya Chugh

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