The popular NBC show FRIENDS introduced the world to some very likable characters, from Rachel Green to Joey Tribbiani. Portrayed by Matt LeBlanc, Joey Tribbiani is well known for his flirtatious, sweet, caring, and understanding behavior in the show. Apart from all these, Joey is also known to be a food lover and doesn’t prefer to share his food with others. However, the joy of his on-screen character turned into a traumatic memory for the 56-year-old actor.
During an appearance on The Graham Norton Show, he shared the incident when he unknowingly ate the spit-out food of his co-star, and no one on the set prevented him from doing so.
The Worst Thing Matt LeBlanc Had to Eat as Joey Tribbiani
Joey Tribbiani has been one of the most popular roles of the American actor Matt LeBlanc. However, the actor has shared that the role has left him with a traumatic and disgusting memory. During his appearance on The Graham Norton Show, he recalled an incident that happened while filming The One Where Ross Got High.
The episode features a Thanksgiving dinner, where Monica gives Rachel the responsibility to make the dessert. While she does make a trifle, it gets mixed up with the recipe of Shephard’s Pie, and Rachel ends up adding a lair of beef in the trifle.
When asked about what is the worst thing he had to eat as his FRIENDS character, LeBlanc knew that the host was asking about Rachel’s English trifle. However, the Primetime Emmy nominee shared that it was not actually a beef trifle they ate while filming.
“Story-wise, it was just like whipped cream and some bananas,” he shared. While the dish was not as bad as portrayed in the episode, something else that happened while filming could be categorized as the worst thing he had to eat as Joey Tribbiani.
Matt LeBlanc’s Traumatic Experience From FRIENDS
Talking further about the episode, Matt LeBlanc shared that while filming the scene, David Schwimmer attempts to eat everything on his plate in one go. However, he had too much on his plate and ended up laughing. And as the director cut the scene, he spit it out on his plate.
“So he starts to eat it all, and he can’t finish it, and he starts laughing, so we cut. As we’re cutting, he kind of spits it back on his plate,” he shared. The Man with a Plan actor shared that he was looking the other way and “didn’t see him spit it back on his plate.”
As they sat down for another take of the scene, he scrapped some food from Schwimmer’s plate to his, without realizing what had happened. Everything went on smoothly after this as he ate the trifle, and they completed the shoot.
LeBlanc shared that no one, including Schwimmer himself, did not say anything, and he found out about it while watching the blooper reel during the wrap party. “And I’m eating it, and we finished the take. No one says anything to me,” he shared, recalling his traumatic and disgusting experience from the show.
FRIENDS is available to stream on Max.
Source: The Graham Norton Show