Hugh Jackman’s unexpected decision to reprise his iconic role as Wolverine in the upcoming Deadpool movie within the Marvel Cinematic Universe left many fans surprised. This choice raised eyebrows because Jackman had previously bid farewell to the character in the emotionally charged Logan from 2017, which was believed to be the character’s definitive farewell, given the character’s demise at the film’s conclusion.
Jackman has shed some light on the contemplation that led him back to the role that catapulted him to box office stardom. He also discussed how he prepared for the role and built a physique that complements the character.
Hugh Jackman Wanted To Reprise His Role After Watching Deadpool
In a Variety interview regarding his movie The Son, Hugh Jackman revealed that he had been contemplating this decision since he watched the first Deadpool. He explained that during a screening of the film, after about 20 minutes, he couldn’t help but think about a concept akin to 48 Hours featuring Nick Nolte and Eddie Murphy. These thoughts had been percolating within him for a while, and it simply took some time for him to come to this point.
Jackman told Variety:
“I went to a screening of Deadpool. I was 20 minutes in, and I was like, ‘Ah, damn it!’ All I kept seeing in my head was ’48 Hours’ with Nick Nolte and Eddie Murphy. So it’s been brewing for a long time. It just took me longer to get here.”
The enduring dynamic between Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine and Ryan Reynolds’ Deadpool has been ongoing for years, fueled in part by the semi-hostile rapport they’ve cultivated in public. Reynolds notably portrayed a considerably subdued version of Deadpool in Jackman’s less-than-well-received film, X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Ever since that encounter, a faux rivalry between the two has been steadily developing, with hopes of building up to a significant collaboration.
How Did Hugh Jackman Prepare For The Role
Hugh Jackman has already initiated his preparation to attain peak physical condition for the role, as there are speculations that production will commence in early 2023. Currently, he is gracing the Broadway stage with his year-long stint in The Music Man. Jackman candidly acknowledges that the backstage area is already facing challenges with the presence of his protein shakes.
Jackman further added:
“The other night, I could hear the Velcro go creaking and actually popped open. I’ve split two pairs of pants.”
In the ever-evolving landscape of superhero adaptations and casting changes, younger talent frequently takes precedence over the established veterans. However, Jackman emphasizes that there’s an aspect of Wolverine’s character that aligns with his current stage in life as a 54-year-old individual.
Deadpool 3 is expected to hit the theaters on May 3, 2024.
Source: Variety