Obi-Wan Kenobi premiered on May 27, 2022, on Disney+. The show was highly anticipated. The events in this Disney+ series take place a decade after the events in the 2005 film Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith. In the timeline of Obi-Wan Kenobi, Kenobi is living a solitary life in exile, sheltering in Tatooine. On the other hand, a Sith Inquisitors program is set up by Darth Vader. This program is to find any remaining Jedi, not destroyed by order 66.
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Flea is a founding member and bassist of the band, Red Hot Chilli Peppers. The character of Flea seems to have a limited role in the show. However, his limited role would have a major impact on future episodes. We discuss this, and more, in this article.
Who Is Flea?
The character of Flea is played by actor Michael Peter Balzary. Flea is the leader of a criminal gang and goes by the name, Vect Nehru. They get hired to kidnap Leia Organa. This kidnapping is apparently to lure Kenobi from his place of hiding. All goes according to plan, however, eventually, Kenobi escapes. Flea’s character is quite menacing and evil. However, Flea, his evil deeds, and his limited role could have a big impact on future episodes.
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How Flea’s Limited Role in Obi-Wan Kenobi Would Have A Major Impact on Future Episodes
Flea’s actions and evil character shed light on the dark timeline that exists in this series. The Jedi are decimated and anarchy prevails. Amidst all this chaos, mercenaries like Flea would go to any lengths to earn money. Additionally, Kenobi himself is quite unforgiving. These things point toward the problematic and dangerous times that are depicted in the show. The characters here are brutal. We may see more of such themes in future episodes.
Obi-Wan Kenobi is streaming now on Disney+. It would run for 6 episodes until June 22.
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