The genius duo of Danville, Phineas and Ferb, are making a comeback on Disney. The animated series followed the shenanigans of two brothers and their sister’s failed attempts to expose them in front of their mother. So far, there have been several seasons and movies in the animation series, and Disney is planning to extend the brother’s summer vacations a little more as it has recently announced new seasons for the show.
The renewal comes two years after the release of the 2020 film under the series Candace Against the Universe. The original series ran for four seasons till June 2015, and considering the positive response over the years, Disney has now decided to extend it with two more seasons.
Read More: Phineas and Ferb: Reasons Why It’s The Best Kids Humor Show
Phineas and Ferb Renewed For Two Seasons
The summer adventures of Phineas and Ferb will continue in new seasons under Disney Branded Television. The president of Disney Branded Television, Ayo Davis, declared the news during the Television Critics Association winter press tour.
The president announced the iconic animated series is renewed with 40 episodes, which will be divided into two seasons. Ayo Davis praised the creator of the show, Dan Povenmire, saying, “Dan is renowned for his ability to create universally beloved stories and characters with both heart and humor.”
Davis also shared that she is glad to continue the collaboration between Dan Povenmire and Disney and bring back the “iconic Phineas and Ferb in a big way.” It is yet unclear where the new seasons will air.
However, considering that Disney Branded Television currently produces shows across Disney Channel, Disney+, Disney Junior, and Disney XD, it can be available on either of the platforms.
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Dan Povenmire is Excited to Introduce Phineas and Ferb to a New Generation
The creator of the animated show, Dan Povenmire, has also shared that he is excited to bring back the iconic duo on the screen once again. He said, “It has been the greatest pleasure of my career to see how an entire generation of kids and parents have embraced the characters and the humor of Phineas and Ferb.”
He also shared that the renewal is an opportunity for him to introduce Phineas Flynn and Ferb Fletcher to a whole new generation. “I’m eagerly looking forward to diving back into the show for them and for a whole new generation,” Povenmire said.
The animated series, Phineas and Ferb, is renewed under Dan Povenmire’s new deal with Disney Branded Television. His recent show, Hamster & Gretel, will also get a second season under his new deal.
Read More: Phineas And Ferb: The Movie Release Date Announced
Fans Are Excited And Curious About the New Seasons
Fans have been super excited with the news of the revival of the animated series. While some are seen asking how long Phineas and Ferb‘s summer vacation is, they are still looking forward to the new seasons.
They are also discussing if the new season would follow up the adult or teenage Phineas and Ferb, or would continue with their next summer holidays. Other details regarding the show, along with the release date of the new seasons, are not available yet.
All four seasons of Phineas and Ferb along with it’s two movies are available to stream on Disney+.
Source: Discussing Films