Although the new year lies on the nearby horizon, the world deals with an unfortunate and tragic loss of a legend. Pelé, the Brazillian footballer recently passed away at the age of 82 years. The world along with Will Smith and other famous personalities mourned the loss of the footballer.
Joining among the billions of mourners was Will Smith who posted on his Instagram account a photo of him along with the football legend with the captions that stated “Rest in peace, King Pelé”.
Will Smith Joins In Mourning The Loss Of A Legend
With the world bowing its head upon the death of the Brazillian footballer, many notable personalities also joined with them. With messages from Cristiano Ronaldo, Neymar, Joe Biden, and Will Smith, Pelé received respect and honor from all over the world.
The Men in Black actor took to his Instagram account and posted a black & white photo of himself and Pelé when they met in India in 2018. Along with a signed t-shirt that Smith received, they also captured the memory in a photo. The Aladdin actor posted the photo on the social media platform with the caption, “The greatest to ever do it. Descanse em paz, Rei Pelé” which roughly translates to “The greatest to ever do it. Rest in peace, King Pelé”.
Many footballers such as Neymar, Mbappé, and Ronaldo also mourned the loss of the great footballer who was termed by FIFA as “the greatest”. Although the world hasn’t forgiven Will Smith for the Oscar slap incident, the people found solace in paying respect to Pelé together.
People Wouldn’t Allow Will Smith To Forget The Oscar Slap
Although a majority of the people were united under the comments on Will Smith’s Instagram post, some reminded the actor about his Oscar slap controversy. The actor had slapped comedian Chris Rock during the 2021 Oscars when the former made a joke about Smith’s wife.
Many people forgave the actor when he posted the photo with Pelé but Will Smith’s latest movie titled Emancipation was received with heavy backlash. Depicting the story of a slave that was on a run from his master, Emancipation received an all-time low earning with barely $3000 per theatre screen. As the world crosses another year off its list, there would be some major highlights in the upcoming year. The world will indeed remember Pelé for being the greatest footballer of all time and for being there when the world looked up to him.
Source: Instagram