Appearing on The Graham Norton Show, Margot Robbie once expressed her biggest flex concerning her husband, Tom Ackerley. Previously opening up about her obsession with the Harry Potter franchise, Robbie eventually disclosed that her husband was an extra on the set of the 2004 movie, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.
Appearing on Jimmy Kimmel Live! in 2016, Margot Robbie also claimed to have lied about her vision during her teenage years to get the spectacles like that of Harry Potter. Often reliving her fan moment, Robbie revealed on The Graham Norton Show in 2020, about her husband’s short-lived stint in the $9.5B Harry Potter franchise.
Margot Robbie Flexes Her Husband’s Scene In Harry Potter Movies
First meeting Tom Ackerley on the set of the 2013 World War II drama Suite Française, Margot Robbie began dating him the following year. After two years of courtship, the I, Tonya actress finally tied the knot with the British producer, Ackerley, in 2016. Further, starting to work side-by-side, Robbie and Ackerley maintain a very private life.
Despite rarely discussing their relationship publicly, Margot Robbie spoke about her husband’s scene in the Harry Potter franchise with utmost excitement. During her 2020 appearance on The Graham Norton Show, Robbie revealed, “My husband is in the Harry Potter movies”. Flexing Tom Ackerley‘s short-lived scene in 2004’s Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Robbie discussed her obsession with the franchise.
“I know, I was like, ‘Had you told me sooner we would’ve been married very quickly’,” Robbie claimed her Potterhead moment. She further mentioned how her husband starred as a Slytherin extra on the set of the third installment and was ruthlessly pushed aside by Tom Felton’s character, Draco Malfoy.
“He was an extra. When he was a little kid, he was one of the Slytherin extras. When Draco pushes some kids out of the way to see Buckbeak in the third book, he pushes my husband out of the way.”
Evidently, being obsessed with the $9.5B franchise, Margot Robbie didn’t mind watching her husband Tom Ackerley’s embarrassing scene in the movies.
Margot Robbie Expresses Her Obsession With The Harry Potter Franchise
Previously, the Hollywood actress discussed her obsession with the Harry Potter franchise on several occasions. Thus, finally learning about her husband’s appearance in the franchise, Margot Robbie disclosed the news with utmost excitement on The Graham Norton Show.
In 2016, during her appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live! Robbie discussed her Harry Potter fan moments with the host. Claiming to lie about her vision during her childhood days to get a pair of glasses similar to Harry Potter, Margot Robbie established her obsession with the film series.
Further, she even shared an old photo from her teenage years, tucked into bed, reading Harry Potter. “I’m drinking a cup of tea, I’m in bed, I’m really enjoying myself reading Harry Potter” Robbie claimed. Revealing further, the actress said, “I have 20/20 vision, and I lied to get glasses…So I could look like Harry Potter.”
After claiming to be a true Potterhead, Margot Robbie was obvious to be excited over her husband’s connection with the franchise.
Source: The Graham Norton Show, Jimmy Kimmel Live!