Both the enchanting storylines and the exceptional acting of the cast of the Harry Potter films endeared them to audiences around the world. Young actors Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, and Tom Felton, who brought J.K. Rowling’s beloved characters to life, gained immense popularity and formed a special bond during their years on set.
Tom Felton, who played the cunning Draco Malfoy, recently revealed in his memoir that he was slightly envious of Daniel Radcliffe’s relationship with Gary Oldman, who played the beloved character Sirius Black.
Tom Felton Was Jealous of Daniel Radcliffe
In addition to showcasing the immense talent of its young stars, the Harry Potter film series also allowed them to work with some of the most acclaimed actors in the industry. The young actors had the opportunity to work with a who’s who of Hollywood stars, including the late Robbie Coltrane, Ralph Fiennes, Maggie Smith, and Helena Bonham Carter.
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But among the actors, Daniel Radcliffe and his contemporaries were particularly impressed by Gary Oldman, who played the legendary Sirius Black. In his memoir Beyond the Wand: The Magic and Mayhem of Growing Up a Wizard, Tom Felton discusses how Oldman’s presence on set affected the cast and how some became envious of him.
In his autobiography, Felton gives fans an inside look at his life before, during, and after filming Harry Potter. Among his openness about drug use and friendships on set, he admits to being jealous of Daniel Radcliffe’s friendship with Gary Oldman.
“Just as Sirius became a father figure to Harry, I had the sense that Gary became something of an inspiration for Daniel, helping him to navigate the tricky path of growing up in the spotlight as well as hone his acting skills…They seemed to me to share a very similar sense of humor and approach to the other cast and crew. I think some of us — myself included — were a bit jealous of that bond…We could see that, in part thanks to Gary’s influence, Dan was really starting to learn the craft better than any of us. Who better to have on your side in that respect than Gary Oldman?”
Despite his jealousy, Felton insists that he loves Radcliffe very much and thinks of him as a brother and a close friend. Felton is a huge fan of the Harry Potter films and is impressed by Radcliffe’s work ethic and leadership.
Tom Felton’s Reflects on Daniel Radcliffe’s Leadership
As the Harry Potter series continues to enchant fans worldwide, Tom Felton’s autobiography provides a fascinating look into the interpersonal dynamics of the cast and their relationships with the legendary actors who shared in this enchanted journey.
Felton’s jealousy may have clouded his judgment for a while, but it’s clear that the friendships they formed on and off-set were propelled by genuine admiration, respect, and a love for acting. The Harry Potter movies were a great opportunity for these young actors to gain exposure and experience working with some of the best in the business.
Fans worldwide will always have a soft spot in their hearts for the Harry Potter movies. The talented ensemble cast brought the beloved characters to life, making the enchanting world of magic seem even more real.
Source: Insider