Harrison Ford’s renowned film series Indiana Jones’s last installment is out now. The movie arrived in the theatres on 30 June 2023, and Ford will be seen playing the character of Indy for one last time. The first installment of the franchise, Raiders of the Lost Ark, was released on December 1981.
The action-adventure series starring the 80-year-old actor has won admirers all around the globe, but reportedly, the recent installment has failed to do the same.
Indiana Jones 5 receives an underwhelming box office response
Harrison Ford’s recently released movie Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny has received an underwhelming response from critics and fans since the release of the movie. Many people expected that as it is the last installment of the series, the movie will receive a great response from the fans. Reportedly, the 80-year-old actor’s movie earned only $60 million in its first weekend. Ezra Miller’s The Flash is also turning out to be a disappointment with the slow-running box office collection, but Ford’s movie can be the next big box office disaster.
The budget for the recently released installment was reportedly $250 million. The previous installment of the Indiana Jones film series Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull earned $790.7 million globally. The action-adventure movie’s budget was $185 million.
Harrison Ford explained how he felt while playing Indy for the last time
When the Blade Runner actor confirmed that he was saying goodbye to the Indian Jones franchise, many fans were heartbroken. Ford has played the character of Indy with vim and vigor for all these years. While talking about the final chapter of the movie, the Witness actor said,
“For Indiana Jones, I wanted to see him at the end of his career, at the end of the road that we’ve established. We’ve taken him part of the way, I wanted to take us all the way.”
The 80-year-old actor also opened up about the portrayal of old Indiana Jones in the final installment. The actor said,
“I wanted him to not run away from the age of the character, but to embrace it, to tell the story of a man who’s spent his life this particular way, and what it comes to. That ride wouldn’t have come if he hadn’t fallen so low. It wouldn’t have been the ride that it is and wouldn’t have ended the way that it does. And it ends in a beautiful way.”
In the same interview, the Ender’s Game actor mentioned that Indiana Jones music follows him everywhere. He also stated that during his last colonoscopy, the hospital staff played the theme track in the operating room.
Source: Indie Wire; ET