Harrison Ford’s journey as an actor has been marked by tenacity and passion, from his breakthrough role as Han Solo in Star Wars to his renowned depiction of Indiana Jones. He is known to improvise his dialogue to make it fit the character he plays.
There is one infamous dialogue in a very successful franchise where he altered the original script and that change became an iconic moment in the history of cinema. This apparently small alteration turned the scene into an intense interaction that perfectly conveyed the essence of the character he played.
The Iconic “I Know” Dialogue
In Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back, Han Solo and Princess Leia, played by Carrie Fisher, enjoy an emotional scene, as they prepare for an uncertain future. The original script dialogue by Leia was as follows:
“…I love you. I couldn’t tell you before, but it’s true Han: …just remember that, ’cause I’ll be back.”
And Harrison Ford’s scripted reply was “I love you, too.” Instead, Harrison Ford says, “I know.” This became a beautiful moment, one of the best actor-improvised lines in movie history.
While it is true that the line “I know” wasn’t in the original script written by Lawrence Kasdan, Ford shared his suggested modification with the movie’s director beforehand rather than improvising the line on the set itself.
Why did Han Solo not say “I love you” back to Princess Leia?
In a 2011 sit-down with Cowboys and Aliens director Jon Favreau, Ford revealed that he was not a fan of “I love you too,” which was the original line in the Empire Strikes Back script.
Harrison Ford, with his keen understanding of his character, felt that Han Solo would be more likely to offer a confident and enigmatic response. Hence, Ford improvised the now-famous line, “I know.”
Earlier, when Ford was asked if had it not been altered, would the Star Wars have worked, the actor replied, “I can’t take credit.”
“Film is a collaborative process. I’m happy that I was able to make a small contribution.”
So, though it’s not one of the greatest improvised lines in movie history, it surely is one of the most memorable lines in movie history.
The original Star Wars trilogy is available for streaming on Disney+.
Source: The Irish Times