The release of the 2023 movie, Barbie, has drawn audiences across the world into the intriguing Barbieland. This film is the first in history to humanize the world of Barbies after its numerous animated programs which collectively build the legacy of Barbie across the decades. The star-stubbed film, including Margot Robbie as Barbie and Ryan Gosling as Ken, went ahead to become a massive success.
Despite such a great on-screen star cast the film failed to include the visual scene of the Oscar-Winning actress, Helen Mirren. Mirren is featured throughout the film but only via her magical voice as the story’s narrator. However, the recent release of behind-the-scenes of the film shared a glimpse of The Queen star in front of the camera along with Pregnant Midge. But sadly it seems like this particular scene couldn’t make it into Greta Gerwig’s final cut of the film.
The Massive Success Of Greta Gerwig’s Barbie
One at present can hardly ignore the buzz surrounding Margot Robbie‘s led film. Directed by Greta Gerwig, the film proved to be a blockbuster as it wrapped its opening weekend worldwide with an impressive collection of $350 million. Despite colliding with Christopher Nolan’s Oppenheimer, Gerwig’s film continues its successful theatrical run setting new standards for the film industry. The film even broke the record for the biggest opening weekend for a female director as it brought significant attention to the marvelous work of Gerwig.
Greta Gerwig Didn’t Include Helen Mirren’s On-Screen Scene In Barbie
Greta Gerwig indeed did a great job in her recently released film by beautifully presenting the tale of Barbies. However many fans would be disappointed after knowing that Gerwig excluded the visual appearance of Helen Mirren from the film despite filming it.
Helen Mirren’s role in the film was primarily as the voiceover narrator who guides the viewers throughout the movie. Although her narration added depth to the story, fans hoped to see her onscreen in the Barbieland alongside the other star cast of the film. It seems like fans’ wish could have been made true as the behind-the-scenes images of the film shared a glimpse of Helen Mirren facing the camera in a gray sweatsuit, as she assisted Pregnant Midge, played by Emerald Fennell, during her labor.
Fans surely missed the on-screen presence of Helen Mirren which could have been a great addition to the film. Nonetheless, the film continues to captivate audiences across the world with its entertaining and engaging storyline.
Source: The Digital Fix
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