Friends: 6 Times Rachel Was The Most Toxic Friend Ever To Ross

Every ‘Friends‘ fan is well aware of the relationship between the two popular characters from the show, Ross and Rachel. They love each other and did some of the most selfless things for each other, but we can’t deny the fact that they have been pretty rude to each other also. Ross may be the one to start the fight, but Rachel also took her revenge every single time they both fought. If you’ve forgotten, we’ve made a list of 6 times Rachel was the most toxic friend ever to Ross.

1. Rachel Doesn’t Allow Ross to Date People She Knows and Ends Up Dating Joey

One of the worst things Rachel did to Ross was saying YES to Joey. Rachel knew that Joey felt for her; she still said yes to him after giving birth to Ross’s baby. On the other hand, whenever Ross tried dating someone except Rachel, she made sure they broke up! She never followed the rules that she made for Ross.

Rachel and Joey

2. Used Mark To Make Ross Jealous

In season 3, when Rachel started her new job, Ross was insecure and jealous of Rachel’s coworker Mark. Honestly, there were many apparent reasons Ross was jealous of Mark. Mark used to flirt with Rachel, and he goofed around. As a result, Mark became the reason why Ross and Rachel broke up initially!  We can’t deny the fact that Rachel used Mark to make Ross jealous. Even after their breakup, Rachel called Mark for emotional support.

Mark became a reason for breakup

3. Rachel Was Deliberately Mean To Julie Even When She Made Ross Happy

She wasn’t just cold to Julie, but Rachel literally forced Ross to choose between her and Julie because she couldn’t see him living happily. That’s pretty low! We get it that she doesn’t want Ross and Julie to be dating. But for once, she couldn’t see Ross’s happiness!!

Ross and Julie

4. Rachel Didn’t Let Ross Date Anyone When She Was Pregnant

When she was pregnant, she ensured that Ross not date anyone so she could reserve him for herself (but she didn’t do the same AFTER having the baby). Rachel literally took undue advantage of the fact that she was pregnant. This is one of the meanest things Rachel did to Ross.

Rachel’s pregnancy

5. Rachel Literally Crashed Ross’ Wedding

If we are making a list of how Rachel was the most toxic friend ever to Ross, we can’t forget when Rachel crashed Ross and Emily’s wedding. Rachel never really fails to make horrible decisions. From leaving Barry at the altar to invading Ross’s wedding and making things worse. She could have let Ross live his life happily with Emily, but instead, she chose to interrupt the wedding by confessing her feelings right on the D-Day. This messed up Ross’ head and the rest is history…

The one where Ross took Rachel’s name

6. Rachel Planned Elaborate Goodbyes for Everyone Except Ross

In the “Last One” episode, when Rachel was leaving for Paris, she said goodbye to everyone except Ross. The last episode is so emotional in itself, but after seeing that, Ross didn’t even get a goodbye hug! People were heartbroken. The least Rachel could do was to say goodbye to Ross. He waited for his turn, but Rachel felt way too difficult to say goodbye to him. But just because Rachel couldn’t face Ross, he didn’t even deserve to see her for the last time?! And after all the history they had with each other! It was pretty unfair!

6. Rachel Planned Elaborate Goodbyes for Everyone Except Ross In the "Last One" episode, when Rachel was leaving for Paris, she said goodbye to everyone except Ross. The last episode is so emotional in itself, but after seeing that, Ross didn't even get a goodbye hug! People were heartbroken. The least Rachel could do was to say goodbye to Ross. He waited for his turn, but Rachel felt way too difficult to say goodbye to him. But just because Rachel couldn't face Ross, he didn't even deserve to see her for the last time?! And after all the history they had with each other! It was pretty unfair!
Ross and Rachel’s Last Goodbye


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