Marvel is coming up with a fascinating animated series based on Spider-Man in 2024. The series titled, Spider-Man: Freshman Year would be the third animated series in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and would stream on Disney+. While details are understandably scarce, what is known is that Charlie Cox, who plays Daredevil in the MCU, would voice the same character in this production.
Charlie Cox has portrayed the role of Daredevil in several Marvel productions including in the TV series Daredevil (2015–2018) and in the film Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021). In a fresh development, the first look at Charlie Cox’s Daredevil suit in the animated series has been released.
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Charlie Cox’s New Daredevil Suit in Spider-Man: Freshman Year Revealed
As aforementioned, one of the most prominent characters in the upcoming series would be Daredevil and he would be voiced by actor Charlie Cox. Since the animated series would reportedly be influenced by Spider-Man’s early comic book roots, fans were eager to see the looks and suits of the characters in it. Now, Daredevil’s suit in the animated series has been dropped and it does look quite intriguing.
Spider-Man: Freshman Year: A Brief Overview
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The animated series Spider-Man: Freshman Year is the twenty-seventh television series in the MCU and promises to be fresh and unique. The sequel, titled Spider-Man: Sophomore Year is also reportedly in production. The series would feature the story of Peter Parker becoming Spider-Man with a fresh and unique perspective on the story. Furthermore, the series would also be influenced by the character’s early comic book roots. Fans are excited for what promises to be a unique show. What do you think of the Daredevil’s suit? Let us know your opinion in the comments section below.
Spider-Man: Freshman Year is set to stream on Disney+ in 2024.
Source: San Diego Comic-Con 2022