The Boys is a show known for its dark humor, the reality behind the powerful events, and the complicated way our world works. Likewise, the Twitter account for The Boys recently trolled the release of the Snyder-cut of Justice League along with teasing Spider-Man: No Way Home for its re-release.
The Twitter account called Vought International shared the hilarious reality behind the release of these superhero movies while taking a dig at the current rising prices of the streaming platforms.
The Boys’ Dawn of The Seven Gets a Re-Re-Release
In a tweet shared by Vought International (the made-up company behind the superheroes), a spoof of the Justice League called The Seven also has their film ready for a release. The film, titled Dawn of the Seven was so successful, that Vought International decided to re-re-release the film for the third time!
Based on your interests: The Boys: When Toxic Masculine Narcissism Is Left Completely Unchecked (VIDEO)
The hilarious tweet was shared by the Twitter account Vought International which brings the latest news and updates for us regarding our beloved superheroes.
The tweet takes a dig at Justice League, Spider-Man: No Way Home, and the changing meta in the streaming industry. The re-released Avengers: Endgame (2019) made quite a few million bucks by being released once again in theaters while the recent Spider-Man: No Way Home was trending once again after the ‘more fun-stuff version’ was released with 11 minutes of added footage.
The tweet also deals with Zack Snyder as the Snyder cut of Justice League was in a 4:3 ratio and the Justice is Gray edition of the same film was in a black-and-white format. Along with all of the above references, the Vought++ is a streaming service set in the fictional world of The Boys that makes a dig at the rising prices of the streaming services.
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The Boys Roasts Both Marvel And DC
Not differentiating between the two, The Boys does all it can to bring the hilarious behind-the-scene actions going on at the Marvel and DC Studios as they subtly hint the real-world problems into the fictional world of The Boys.
From hiring a guy named Joss to direct the Dawn of the Seven movie (referencing Joss Whedon) to recreating the Battle of New York City in Avengers (2012), The Boys has done it all. The series recently finished streaming its 3rd season with a finale that felt unfinished. The Boys will soon return with a 4th season as Homelander grows more and more menacing by the day.
The Boys is available to stream on Prime Video.
Source: ScreenRant