After CW released its first superhero show in 2012, Arrow, the show became a hit, the network decided to continue with its superhero universe, which included heroes like The Flash, Supergirl, Black Lightning, Superman, Arrow, and more, which was termed as the Arrowverse.
The shows were based on the superheroes of DC comics and soon became a hit. The universe based on CW soon became one of the most hyped DC shows ever. Soon, more shows and superheroes were introduced.
CW to Conclude Arrowverse with the Final Season of The Flash,
However, a decade later, this universe is about to end with the last season of The Flash in 2023. The network still has three DC shows including Stargirl, Superman & Lois, and a new show Gotham Knights. All these shows are still up for production as these are not based in the Arrowverse.
CW to Widen its Scope
Now that CW has announced to broaden its scope and include sitcoms and outside studio deals, DC fans have asked the network to stay away from DC superheroes. Fans were not happy with the way CW decided to end the universe based on CW after canceling multiple shows.
With the Nexter Media Group’s final appreciation of CW closing earlier this month, the studio is planning project projects to develop new series for the next season.
According to the reports, CW will be going for broader and cheaper programs under this new ownership with a goal to make the network profitable by 2025.
Under the new ownership, CW has decided to limit its signature genre shows and team soaps and widen the segments for their shows including comedies and multi-cameras sitcoms.
Fans Are Not Happy with CW
After the announcement, many DC fans who accept CW are concluding the Arrowverse on the network’s new ownership. They asked about the network history of DC superheroes and not to indulge in any future DC show. Fans to Twitter to share their opinion, where one user said, “Just stay ways from DC.”
Another user said, “No one cares. They just made some fabulous crap.”
Some people shared their opinion on other CW shows. One user said, “Cancel Riverdale I beg you.” Many users also defended the writers and called out the studio for interfering with the production and ideas that end up messing up shows.
Where one pointed out the emphasis on better writers and bigger budgets by saying, “CW could be good if they had bigger budgets and had better writers.”
What Led to the Cancellation of Arrowverse Shows?
After Covid-19 hit the world, it affected a lot of things. Shows on CW were also highly affected by it along with the nature of network television. Supergirl and Black Lightning came to an end in 2021, and the future shows for the multiverse, Batwoman, and Legends of Tomorrow, were canceled in 2022.
Now that CW has announced the final season of The Flash, bringing an end to the Arrowverse, some fans still have hopes to see their CW DC heroes feature in future DC movies.
With speculations that in 2023 The Flash movie will introduce the concept of the multiverse in the DCEU, there is the possibility of the Flash from Arrowverse to appear in the movie. There are also claims that this is the reason the studio is planning to end the series before the release of the movie.
Will CW Bring Back Arrowverse?
However, there is still a potential that could keep the Arrowverse alive, and that is Justice U. Justice U is a group of five young metahumans brought together by John Diggle. They go undercover at a prestigious university and train to be the next generation of superheroes.
The show was first announced in January of 2022, and considering John Diggle’s appearance in the CW series, Arrow fans considered that it would be the continuation of the universe, but recently Superman & Lois introduced a new version of the character.
However, it is still not confirmed which version will appear in the upcoming show, which keeps fans’ expectations to continue the Arrowverse.
The final season of The Flash will air in early 2023.
Source: Twitter