As Percy Jackson and the Olympians near the end of their journey, fans eagerly await the serialized adaptation of Rick Riordan’s beloved book series. With production officially underway since the summer of 2022, following an extensive pre-production process, cameras have been rolling in Vancouver at a relentless pace up until this past February.
Walker Scobell (The Adam Project), Leah Jeffries (Beast), and Aryan Simhadri (Cheaper By The Dozen) make up the core trio, with Scobell starring in the titular role. With all footage now in the editing room, post-production is expected to continue for just as long as the production itself, given the CGI-heavy nature of the series. Now, Rick Riordan has made some revelations that might come across as good news for the fans.
Rick Riordan Promises Great Episodes
Despite the challenges, there has been notable progress in the production of Percy Jackson and the Olympians. During The Sun and the Star book tour, author Rick Riordan shared with’s Liam Crowley that he has already viewed “multiple cuts” of the entire first season.
“I’ve seen cuts of all the episodes at this point, multiple cuts, because they do go through a manuscript,” Riordan said. “They go through revision, after revision, after revision. They’re great.”
The upcoming Disney+ series marks the second time Percy Jackson has been adapted for the screen, with previous film adaptations led by Logan Lerman arriving in 2010 and 2013. However, both movies were widely considered misses by fans and critics alike. As a result, author Rick Riordan has placed much hope in the upcoming eight-episode show to finally deliver a faithful and satisfying adaptation of his beloved book series.
“Honestly, I think my first reaction was relief,” Riordan said regarding the early director’s cuts. “I was like, ‘Oh, thank goodness. I think the fans are going to be pleased.’ That’s all I want.”
A “Really Long” Production Process
During the same event, Riordan revealed that the principal photography for Percy Jackson lasted a total of 180 days, which he acknowledged was a lengthy period for a Hollywood production.
“None of the special effects are done yet. You can tell that it’s not finished, but the story works,” Riordan said.
The post-production stage for Percy Jackson and the Olympians is currently underway, with rumors circulating that the series is expected to debut on Disney+ in early 2024. He commended the hard work of the ensemble cast, stating that they have put in a tremendous amount of effort and are aware of the fans’ high expectations for the series to be a success.
Percy Jackson and the Olympians will be released exclusively on Disney+ next year.
Source: Comicbook