The Trollhunters saga is coming to an end with Trollhunters: Rise of the Titans, out on Netflix on July 21. Created by Guillermo del Toro (The Shape of Water, Hellboy) for Netflix and produced by Dreamworks, the animated universe is made of three different series: Trollhunters: Tales of Arcadia, 3Below, and Wizards.
Lexi Medrano Interview
We spoke to the talented Lexi Medrano, aka the voice of the fan-favorite Claire Nuñez. She told us everything about working with Guillermo del Toro, how she became one with Claire and shares her favorite memories. When asked about recording the final chapter with the cast of the Trollhunters franchise, the 22 years old actress declared:
“Everyone was pretty happy and in good spirit. However I think we all were a little emotional (…) we’ve worked together for so long, and I’ve kind of grown up in front of these people and in front of this crew(…) getting to our final chapter, it’s just been a beautiful experience (…) The people that I work with and the people that helped me and Claire develop into our own, I’m forever indebted to them, to DreamWorks for sure, and to Guillermo and to the people who created this beautiful franchise (…)So overall it was emotional but happy.”
You can listen to the full interview down below, and you can now stream the entire franchise of Trollhunters on Netflix.
Let us know in the comments below if you’re ready to say bye to Claire, Jim, and all your favorite characters!
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