Epic Games to Give Third-Party Developers Entire Revenue in Exchange for Exclusivity Deals

Epic Games

Epic Games has decided to make a bold and unprecedented move as it unveils an innovative initiative that intends to change the entire landscape of the video game world, as it relates to revenue. The company is offering an incredible deal for developers to guarantee 100% of their game’s revenue, in exchange for exclusive sales to the Epic Games Store. I repeat, one hundred percent. This bold and revolutionary approach for a large company like Epic Games challenges the industry’s traditional and current models of how revenue from games sold is shared, where large publishers predominate and have far less influence than developers and their employees.

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Thirdy-Party Developers Will Get 100% Revenue for Epic Games’ Exclusivity

Epic Games to Give Third-Party Developers Entire Revenue in Exchange for Exclusivity Deals
Epic Games offers great revenue option for third-party developers.

The new initiative known as the “Epic First Run” program underscores the company’s commitment to empowering game creators. This could lead to more projects developed with gusto rather than done haphazardly just for profit, and without any creative value. Furthermore, with this proposal on the table, many attitudes towards developers can and should be reconsidered by distribution platforms.

This won’t come easily, big debates and discussions will still be fought until a big impact changes the future of game stores for good, and developers get what they deserve for their work. These days creators have to bow down to the economic magnitude of big companies that take most of the profit for themselves, with no concern for smaller studios.

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In more detail, Epic Games’ offer will allow developers who participated in the creation of a game to keep all profits from a new release. This will be available from October 16th of this year, and for six full months after. When that period is passed, the revenue reverts to its normal split pattern of 88% going to the developer and 12% to Epic Games.

Thirdy-Party Developers will get 100% Revenue for Epic Games' Exclusivity
Ceding revenue for 6 months, Epic Games will gain exclusivity for games that adhere to its new program.

Also don’t think Epic Games did this just out of kindness, they will gain exclusivity from those who join the program by banning the sale of these titles on competing stores, including Valve’s Steam Store, during said six-month period. This window is normally when a game is purchases by fans who have been waiting for release, or for other players to discover it in the meantime.

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That said, the agreement does not include a ban on developers selling through their own digital stores or using Epic’s keyless redemption program to sell through company partners like Humble Bundle or GOG. The “Epic First Run” will be available to developers and projects of “any scale” and will grant participants a wide variety of benefits to increase exposure. It will allowing them to benefit from inclusion in “Relevant Store Campaigns” and be featured prominently on the Epic Games Store main page.

While Epic Games seeks to attract new developers to its store and developers run after fair revenue, all this movement reaches us consumers who will be able to enjoy the products that can be made without constant pressure that reduces the quality of products. So, keep an eye out for what might pop up to your liking on the Epic Games Store.

What do you think about this Epic Games program? What games or developers would you want to see accept this offer? Let us know in the comments!

Source: Epic Games

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Written by Martin Forte

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