In around 2022, Marvel Studios announced the release of The Marvel Cinematic Universe: An Official Timeline – a book highlighting the overarching timeline of the MCU since its inception. However, a recent unexpected alteration to the much-awaited project has led to a flurry of speculations amongst the fans. Reportedly, MCU has removed Scarlet Witch, portrayed by Elizabeth Olsen, from the book cover.
Since the news of the alterations surfaced online, rumors about Olsen’s character missing from the book covers began circulating. While some attributed it to the character’s long absence from the universe, others linked the news to Olsen’s earlier comments criticizing MCU.
When Elizabeth Olsen opened up on her frustrations with MCU
In one of her media appearances earlier this year, Elizabeth Olsen shared her feelings about her MCU commitments as Wanda Maximoff aka Scarlet Witch as well as the alternate paths her career could have taken. She revealed how she missed out on some critically acclaimed roles owing to her obligations to Marvel Studios.
“I started to feel frustrated. I had this job security but I was losing these pieces that I felt were more part of my being. And the further I got away from that, the less I became considered for it.”
Interestingly, in 2015 Olsen was presented with an opportunity to star in The Lobster, a Yorgoos Lanthimo movie that clinched the Cannes Jury Prize. However, she revealed that she could not take up the offer because she was “in a contract [for Marvel] I could not get out of. So that didn’t work out.”
So, is Marvel’s decision to remove Wanda from the 2023 MCU Timeline book cover a direct result of her comments? There isn’t any official explanation for it yet. However, there is another not-so-controversial theory doing rounds.
Was Scarlet Witch removed from the 2023 MCU Timeline book cover due to inaction?
The MCU Timeline book was previously scheduled to release towards the end of 2022. But now, the project is set to be unveiled on October 24, 2023. And sharing an update with the fans, the publisher, Penguin Random House released the latest book cover. However, the updated version is missing Olsen’s Scarlet Witch character.
While the initial version of the cover featured Scarlet Witch, the updated version featured Tom Hiddleston as Loki alongside Sophia Di Martino’s Sylvie. While many believe that the alteration is a result of Olsen’s character being out of action in the superhero verse after her ‘death’ in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, some others believe that it is a result of the forthcoming season of the Loki series on October 6.
READ MORE: Concerning Deadpool 3 Update Leaves Elizabeth Olsen Scarlet Witch Fans Devastated
However, in the absence of any concrete explanation for the studio’s decision, all fans can do is speculate about the absence of Olsen’s character in the updated cover of the book. Meanwhile, fans are eagerly waiting for the release of the book, which would be made available on the bookshelves from October 24, 2023.
Source: The New York Times, The Direct