Alex Garland has been known for writing smart Sci-Fi since his first foray into film with 2002’s 28 Days Later. In 2015, he solidified his place in Sci-Fi fan’s hearts and minds with his directorial debut, Ex Machina. It’s safe to say that Anticipation for his follow-up film, Annihilation, based on the book of the same name by Jeff VanderMeer, is extremely high in the fan community. Having read the books myself, I’m extremely interested in seeing what Garland can make out of the material.
The film’s first screening was last night and, judging by the first reactions that flooded twitter, I’d say we’re in for one hell of a mind-bending sci-fi masterpiece.
Check out what the lucky screening attendees are saying below:
That’s a lot of high praise; however, not everyone was completely sold on the film…
Lena, a biologist and former soldier, joins a mission to uncover what happened to her husband inside Area X – a sinister and mysterious phenomenon that is expanding across the American coastline. Once inside, the expedition discovers a world of mutated landscape and creatures, as dangerous as it is beautiful, that threatens both their lives and their sanity.
Annihilation drops February 23rd!