Although Priyanka Chopra Jonas has been able to garner success in the realms of Hollywood, it didn’t come off easily, as she had to settle for many small acting gigs during her initial days in the industry. But considering that the actress was already a leading celebrity in Bollywood, her decision to settle for several B-Grade Hollywood films at the beginning of her Hollywood career was a bitter pill to swallow for her fans.
However, it seems that the Quantico actress had her fair share of reasons to leave the world of Bollywood behind, despite garnering enormous fame and becoming one of its leading actresses.
Priyanka Chopra Jonas opened up about her reasons for leaving Bollywood
While speaking with Dax Shepard on the Armchair Expert podcast, Priyanka Chopra Jones opened up about her reasons behind leaving Bollywood, despite being an accomplished star in the industry. The Baywatch actress expressed that she was constantly being pushed into the corner during her time in Bollywood and some people were trying to jeopardize her career. She said,
“I was being pushed into a corner in the industry (Bollywood). I had people not casting me, I had beef with people, I am not good at playing that game so I kind of was tired of the politics and I said I needed a break.”
So when the actress found the opportunity to build a music career in the US, she didn’t think twice before getting on board. But despite being partly successful in the field, Chopra Jonas soon realized that it wasn’t working for her and decided to audition for acting gigs in Hollywood.
The actress struggled to land any big roles in Hollywood during her initial years
Following her quest of making it big in Hollywood, things didn’t come off easy for Priyanka Chopra Jonas in the beginning. The actress had to build her English-Language filmography through several small roles over the years before garnering any substantial gigs in bigger projects. The Quantico star also had to face a plethora of questions regarding her decision to leave her stardom in Bollywood behind during her initial phase in Hollywood. She said,
“So with every job that I have gotten from smaller roles in features that I did, which I needed to build my English-language filmography, I had a lot of people who knew me from my Indian film days, questioning why I went to Hollywood to do small parts and B-grade movies, is what they would say,”
But despite working on several B-Grade projects, Chopra Jonas would eventually find her footing in Hollywood and attach her name to movies, including Dwayne Johnson’s Baywatch and The Matrix Resurrections. The actress is also set to star at the forefront of the upcoming TV show Citadel, which is being directed by the Russo Brothers and is set to premiere on 28 April 2023.
Source: Armchair Expert Podcast