Popular fantasy web series, Shadow and Bone is based on the books Shadow and Bone Trilogy and Six of Crows Duology by Leigh Bardugo. The series revolves around a world divided into two parts; beasts and demons on one side and humans on the other. The lead Jessie Mei Li plays the role of Alina Starkov, an orphan and cartographer of the Ravka’s First Army. The young soldier accidentally realizes she is a Grisha and a Sun Summoner. As she tries to control her powers, she has to fight dangerous forces including thugs, assassins, thieves, and others against her.
The first season of the show was announced in January 2019 and released on April 23, 2021. The historical fantasy series was widely appreciated and watched in large numbers. It showed Alina Starkov bursting out with radiant energy during an attempt to destroy the foreboding Shadow Fold that has divided her land. Her powers also triggered a disordered series of events that would impact the world due to a band of brigades, childhood loves, and the Darkling.
Also read- Shadow And Bone Has Wrapped Up Production, Epic Season 2 Coming Soon
Christina Strain hints toward Shadow and Bone cancellation
Christina Strain is a notable screenwriter and producer, who has been part of numerous shows including the award-winning Marvel series Runaways, Generation-X, the Syfy TV show, and The Magicians. She is also the writer and producer of the currently top streaming historical fantasy show, Shadow and Bone. Strain recently shared an update about the upcoming season of the Netflix series. While fans of the show are waiting with bated breath for the announcement of season three, there are indications about the show’s cancellation.
As per the tweet, Strain thanked the fans for their love for the show and shared doubts about the renewal of the series.
“Shadow and Bone friends, I just wanna say that we appreciate you all so much. Thank you for all the streaming and cheering you’ve done for our show.”
“Don’t know our odds of renewal, or when we’ll know, but I want YOU to know, we know you did everything you could. We see you.”
Strain tweeted that she does not want the fans to blame themselves if the show is not renewed. She added that she has been under a lot of stress and pressure for the last year over the speculations of the next season of Shadow And Bone.
“And if we don’t get renewed, don’t blame yourselves. I saw someone posting about this, so I wanna reiterate that you’ve all gone above and beyond. I understand the pressure and stress you’re feeling— I’ve been living it for over a year— be kind to yourself. We all tried our best.”
The producer also added that she is not sure about the show’s standing on Netflix for the upcoming season but asked fans to not get worried.
Also read- Shadow And Bone: 20 Behind-The-Scenes Facts
The disappointing performance of Shadow and Bone Season 2
Owing to the large success of the first season, the series was renewed for season two. It was released on March 16, 2023. The fans of the show had high expectations, but the season did not turn out to be very engaging. While the first season successfully and smoothly portrayed the story from two books, the second season was complete chaos.
It comprises plotlines of six Grishaverse works, including Shadow and Bone Siege and Storm and Ruin and Rising, both of the Crows books, Six of Crows and Crooked Kingdom, with excerpts from King of Scars and The Lives of Saints. The combination of all these stories made the season directionless and confusing. The characters were also not up to the mark, and the wire fights were ridiculous.
The cast for the season includes Mei Li, Ben Barnes, Archie Renaux, and Daisy Head amongst others.
As per reports, Netflix might also be considering the growing cost of the series. The use of special effects in the series makes it one of the most expensive series on the roster of the streamer, and apparently, streamers are cutting costs.
Both seasons of Shadow And Bone are available for streaming on Netflix.
Also read- Netflix Working on Top Secret Shadow and Bone ‘Crows of Ketterdam’ Spinoff Series
Source- Twitter