Disney’s upcoming series Ahsoka is now casting a second lead character to star opposite Rosario Dawson’s Jedi, as per the reports. Mandalorian was highly successful on Disney+ and has fast-tracked various Star Wars shows, out of which many were announced last year at Disney’s Investor Day presentation. Ahsoka was also one of these shows which is a Mandalorian spin-off centered on the character of Ahsoka Tano. Ahsoka was initially introduced in the animated movie, The Clone Wars before leading the series of the same name. She made her live-action debut in the second season of The Mandalorian, with Dawson taking over from Ashley Eckstein.
Ahsoka Is A Mandalorian Spin-off
While we still don’t know much about Ahsoka, her appearance on The Mandalorian left some clues for us as to where the series will take her. Ahsoka is finding the Star Wars Rebels villain Grand Admiral Thrawn and the young Jedi who disappeared with Thrawn, named Ezra Bridger. While Ezra and Thrawn are yet to be officially confirmed for the film, there are various rumours that Mena Massoud and Lars Mikkelsen have been cast for these respective roles. It has also been confirmed that Hayden Christensen will play Anakin Skywalker in the series.
Ahsoka Will Have A Second Lead Character
Now another report suggests the Ahsoka will also showcase a second lead character. As reported by Illuminerdi, Ahsoka is looking for a man in his 20s to play a character named “Riz”.
Riz has been described as a lone wolf and is also world-weary although he’s young and is able to handle everything that life throws at him. The role will be a regular role in the series.
All the confirmed characters for Ahsoka have been already established in the Star Wars universe. This will make Riz an interesting addition, as he will be a newcomer. As a streetwise character, Riz could prove an ally for Ahsoka while she continues her quest for Ezra and Thrawn.
There are three more Star Wars shows scheduled to premiere before Ahsoka, so it might take time for further updates to come in. Production on Ahsoka is expected to kickstart in the initial months of 2022 which shouldn’t be surprising if the casting is still going. Hopefully, by the time, its filming begins Disney will give more confirmation on the characters of the series.