Real Steel is a science fiction sports drama film featuring the talented action star Hugh Jackman in the lead role. The film was directed and produced by Shawn Levy. It was based on the short story Steel, written by Richard Matheson. The film was widely appreciated for its unique and fresh concept. It used motion capture technology and was received well at the box office. There were talks about making the sequel to the highly successful film with Hugh Jackman.
Director of the movie Shawn Levy opened up meager chances of the sequel of the Wolverine star’s film and cited reasons for the same.
Shawn Levy shared his reason for no sequel to Hugh Jackman’s Real Steel
Real Steel was released in 2011 and is widely appreciated for the exciting blend of technology with real-life sports. In the film, Animatronic robots were built with motion capture technology to showcase the rodeo fights of robots and animatronics. There were rumors about the sequel of the hit film however, the director shot them down, saying there was no need for one.
Levy shared in an interview with Collider,
I really try to not make sequels that don’t deserve to be. And it’s why I didn’t move forward with the Real Steel sequel because I didn’t feel we had a second movie that could match or top the first.
Talking about his opinion on sequels of movies, the director shared,
“Sequels are really hard to make great. It’s why we all look to a [‘Terminator 2’] or an ‘Empire Strikes Back’ as high watermarks and frankly as unicorns. It’s really, really hard. And again, I made three ‘Night at the Museums.’ One reason that I cast each one of them at such a stratospheric level, with comedic stars and comedic geniuses, is I wanted to make sure that they could be unique. But it’s a really tough balance. And we’re obviously very much exploring this with ‘Deadpool,’ is how do you honor what got you to that moment? How do you honor what people love without regurgitating what people love? It’s the right balance, and it’s challenging as hell.”
The film featured Hugh Jackman, Evangeline Lilly, and young actor Dakota Goyo in the lead roles.
Shawn Levy wanted to unite Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman in Real Steel 2
In an earlier interview with ComicBook, director Levy shared his talks with Jackman for Real Steel 2. At the time, the director was working on his then-upcoming film, Free Guy featuring Ryan Reynolds. He shared that his previous movies are getting lots of love, including one with Jackman. He added that he was considering the sequel of the film. Levy said,
“Well, I’ll say this, Hugh and I definitely are feeling, we’ve never stopped feeling the love for Real Steel, and it’s almost like the volume has been increasing. Hugh and I were together literally last week talking about that, So I would never say never on that, a sequel for Real Steal. Additionally, I’m friends with Hugh. I’m friends with Ryan. I will get them together. Whether it’s in Real Steel or another movie, I will direct those two amazing guys and dear friends in a movie together.”
The director kept his word as his upcoming film Deadpool 3 will feature Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman in lead roles. The two actors are prepping hard for their roles in the film, with Jackman reprising his Wolverine character.
The film Deadpool 3 will hit the theatres on 8 November 2024.
Real Steel is available for streaming on Amazon Prime.