Diablo 4 Fan Figures Out Butcher Solution

How many times have you been playing Diablo 4 and The Butcher just pops up from nowhere and catches you unaware? Most of the time it will be when you’re down on healing items and close to death right?

But what if if there was a way to tell when he was about to spawn in the game. Surely that would mean that you would have enough time to ready yourself for the encounter  and the odds would be heavily in your favour.

Well thanks to YouTube user GoinPostle2, who posted a video up in their channel, there is an explanation of just that.

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How to tell when The Butcher is near in Diablo 4

Diablo 4
Who wouldn’t want a hint about how to deal with The Butcher in Diablo 4?

For those that haven’t played the Diablo games and have never encountered The Butcher, he is pretty much a legendary boss who is quite intimidating and actively seeks you out in the game. You don’t find him frustratingly and he can spawn anywhere in the open world, dungeons etc. taking great pleasure in popping up when you least expect and clinging to life.

And not only is the The Butcher intimidating to look at it, he has the ability to turn into a giant and this means players will have to be crafty in how they go about attempting to defeat him, more often than not utilising the terrain to their advantage.

Read also: Activision Blizzard is Hitting those that Used ‘That’ Exploit in Diablo 4 with a Harsh and Lengthy Ban – FandomWire

And YouTube user GoinPostle2 pointed out a clear link to how you can expect The Butcher to show up, even before he appears. It’s so obvious now that we can’t believe we didn’t pick up on it before.

As long as you have the volume up on the game, you can pick up on a clear musical cue which alerts you to the upcoming encounter. The difficulty some may have however is if they have the volume down listening to music or podcasts, they wouldn’t pick up on this handy hint.

After posting this on his YouTube channel recently, other players had their own thoughts on how you could tell about The Butcher’s impending appearance;

“If a treasure goblin is in the dungeon then the butcher is in it as well. That’s how you know without musical cues or seeing bodies on pikes before a room.”
Diablo 4
The Dungeons in Diablo 4 could be less perilous with this handy tip

It seems like a lot of players have picked up on the fact about the Treasure Goblin being in the dungeon as a key to The Butcher appearing and some have already picked up on music change as an indicator.

But what’s your thoughts on this news for Diablo 4? Do you think it’s helpful to how you would set up to take on The Butcher? Get in touch, drop us a comment and let us know your thoughts.

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Written by Andy MacGregor

Born and raised in the West coast of Scotland. A massive fan of Comics and losing endless hours in epic Video Games.