Undoubtedly, Barbie has emerged as the most significant cinematic sensation of the summer, drawing crowds of fans spanning generations to theaters in impressive numbers, all eager to experience the unique and thought-provoking rendition of the timeless doll’s narrative. The movie initiated a relentless marketing campaign, with influencers and celebrities joining the celebration by donning vibrant attire, showcasing imaginative advertisements, and engaging in a whirlwind of conversations and excitement.
Despite the enormous anticipation, Barbie delivered on its promise, resonating with fans who appreciated the nuanced exploration of womanhood and the societal expectations placed on both genders in the contemporary era. Intriguingly, while Barbie promotes a strong message of female empowerment, the behind-the-scenes reality of the project is nuanced. Reports suggest that the film’s lead, Margot Robbie, received an identical salary to that of Ryan Gosling, who portrayed Ken.
Margot Robbie And Ryan Gosling Got The Salary
Being the inaugural live-action Barbie film, there was an extensive weight of anticipation attached to this empowering production. A substantial portion of these soaring expectations rested squarely on the shoulders of the film’s leading lady, Margot Robbie, who stands as one of Hollywood’s preeminent stars.
It’s hardly unexpected that Robbie commanded a substantial salary for her role in Barbie, with The Mirror disclosing that she earned a remarkable $12.5 million for her contribution to the movie.
Curiously, according to the same publication, Ryan Gosling’s paycheck aligned exactly with Robbie’s, as he secured a substantial $12.5 million for his portrayal of Ken. This does raise some eyebrows, given that Robbie not only holds the titular role but also dominates the screen time, making the pay parity appear somewhat imbalanced.
Is Margot Robbie A Victim Of Pay Disparity
Should the compensation for both Robbie and Gosling truly mirror each other in the context of Barbie, it serves as a reminder that Hollywood continues to grapple with the pursuit of genuine pay parity. Nevertheless, it’s safe to assume that Robbie, despite this observation, isn’t voicing any grievances about her earnings.
In 2022, HungerTV revealed that Robbie had ascended to the position of Hollywood’s highest-earning actor, largely attributed to her role in Barbie. Given the remarkable triumph of the film, Robbie’s stardom has only soared higher. It’s a safe bet that for her forthcoming project, she’ll undoubtedly secure an even more substantial payday.
Speaking of Robbie, her pride in the film knows no bounds. In a recent conversation with USA Today, she expressed her admiration for Gerwig’s contribution, firmly asserting that Gerwig injected a captivating and “unexpected” element into the Barbie narrative.
“It seems fitting and almost inevitable that the ‘Barbie’ movie would feel that way,” Robbie said. “We can look at something that’s complicated and spiky, and not be mean-spirited and cynical. This movie is brimming with optimism, and maybe people weren’t expecting that from a Barbie movie.”
Barbie became one of the highest-grossing films in recent times. Barbie will soon be available for streaming on HBO Max.
Source: The Mirror