Morrigan Aensland from Darkstalkers was supposedly considered to join Tekken 7 at one point in development, said director Katsuhiro Harada.
When asked by a fan if Morrigan from the Darkstalkers franchise could make an appearance in Bandai Namco’s Tekken, Harada confirmed she was once in the cards.
“To be honest, back in 2017 she was a prime candidate for us to want to bring in as a guest,” Harada said.
He said they were trying to contact Capcom to ask for official permission. They were confident that they will be able to do her animations, modeling and give justice to the character’s source material.
Harada reveals that the reason for not pursuing this plan is because her gameplay would take a lot of time to capture the character’s identity and make it feel the way it should. Hence, the company decided to rule her out.
When Tekken 7 was released on consoles in 2017, Morrigan would have been part of the character roster. She would most likely be designed as a DLC fighter for season one or two.
Still, Bandai Namco released two crossover fighters in the same year: Noctis Lucis Calem from Final Fantasy 15 and Geese Howard from Fatal Fury.
Crossovers in gaming is very common and have since became a trend in the industry. Akuma from Street Fighter once became a guest character in Tekken which inspired developments in fighting games nowadays.
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Eliza, the vampire in Tekken 7, shares some of Morrigan’s characters designs. However, the red queen has been existing in the Tekken universe since her first appearance in Tekken Revolution.
At the rate of which Bandai Namco is moving forward, it seems like having other Darkstalkers characters join the Tekken franchise is a distant plan.
Would you like to see Morrigan in Tekken 7? Let us know your favorite fighter crossovers in the comments!