In a surprising turn of events in Marvel Comics, The Variants cover shows Daredevil and Jessica Jones kissing as they cross the buildings in Hell’s Kitchen. Will this romance bloom or turn sour?
It seems things will be different in Marvel’s The Variants #2. Daredevil and Jessica Jones have both worked together on many occasions, most popularly in The Defenders series. Alongside Matt Murdock, she also worked with Iron Fist and Luke Cage. Despite their opposite personalities and conflicting interests, this version of Jessica Jones is being paired with Matt.
Unexpected Romance From Daredevil And Jessica Jones
The Variants #2, created by Gail Simone, Phil Noto, and VC’s Clayton Cowles, will reveal that a variant of Jones is being hunted by Daredevil because he is concerned about her health after she passed out in Earth-616. When Jones caught sight of him, she shuts him up and kisses him, telling the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen how much she misses him.
Daredevil, clueless and surprised, broke free from her and asked why she was kissing him. Feeling rejected, Jones begged Matt to go away before she could hurt him. A heartbreaking scene, indeed, requires so much explanation and enlightenment as the pair had never been romantically involved before.
Jones actually had a relationship with Matt on Earth, but, unfortunately, she lost her lover, which marks the tragic end of their relationship. Upon seeing a variant of Murdock, she was overwhelmed with emotions again, hence the sudden urge to caress her lost lover.
The Variants #2 will only show variant Jones’s relationship with Daredevil among the many others she had. Despite ending tragically, the pair appears to be an interesting couple and will make a very gripping story as both members of the Defenders squad rest on different ends of the pole.