Danny Huston has seemingly signed onto another comic-book-based movie, this time the reboot of the upcoming The Crow, adding to his long list of comic-book-based movie properties. Having previously played the villain in both Wonder Woman and X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Huston is no stranger to playing a character with a storied history in a graphic novel form.
As of yet it hasn’t been announced as to who he could be playing in the upcoming reboot, but filming isn’t too far away, and with that will come leaks and news, so we’ll soon find out. It would seem likely he’ll once again be playing another villain, but that hasn’t been confirmed as of yet.
The Crow
The movie is reported to follow the story of the graphic novel of the same name, where a man is murdered with his fiance after being attacked by a gang. The man gets resurrected and uses his newfound life and powers to enact revenge on those that took away his wife-to-be.
This will all sound incredibly familiar, as back in 1994 we had the first of four films based on these graphic novels. The first is the only one of note and starred the late Brandon Lee, Bruce Lee’s son. Unfortunately, Brandon Lee died on the set of the film, after an accident involving a prop gun left him grievously wounded. Enough of the film was completed and the production company asked for his family’s consent before continuing and releasing it, but the infamous incident propelled the film to a cult-like status.
As such when the first reboot was announced back in 2018 with the popular Jason Momoa attached to play the titular character, it was lambasted by fans as unnecessary and insulting to the original and Lee’s memory. Momoa left the film and it was dead in the water until earlier this year when Bill Skarsgård signed on in his place.
As noted many times previously, Hollywood over the last few years has become an industry of remakes and franchises, preferring the somewhat stability of an established fanbase to propel their films to a decent box office return. This is clear with their insistence to push on with The Crow reboot, even after fans have shown their dislike of it. Whether it’ll be closer in quality and box office returns to the Total Recall remake in 2012, or the lofty Ocean’s Eleven in 2001 remains to be seen, but it isn’t a good start or an easy hurdle for a film to overcome.
The current iteration is due to be directed by Rupert Sanders (Foundation, Snow White and The Huntsman) and written by the upcoming Creed threequel scribe Zach Baylin.
Source: Comicbook
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