Cyberpunk 2077 Multiplayer Will Not Be Playable In 2021

Cyberpunk 2077 will be delayed to a later date of September 2020 and now the multiplayer for Cyberpunk will not be available in 2021.

Earlier today, it was announced that Cyberpunk 2077 had been delayed to September 2020. During this press conference an investor asked whether they can still expect multiplayer in 2021.  

CD project’s member of the board and Senior Vice President of Business Development has said, “Given the expected release of Cyberpunk 2077 in September, and speaking of a series of events we expect to occur after that date, 2021 appears unlikely as a release date for the Cyberpunk multiplayer.”

For those who do not know, Cyberpunk 2077 is a game set in a technological futuristic world where the main character has to brave the criminal underworld to achieve his goal.

The game promises impressive effects, fantastic gameplay, and an excellent all-around experience for players. The hype for the game reached new heights last E3 as it was announced that Keanu Reeves will be joining the game as the character Johnny Silverhand. Needless to say after E3 everyone was hyped for Cyberpunk 2077.

Also Read: CD Projekt Red Announces Cyberpunk 2077 Delay

With this delay and the confirmed statement that a multiplayer will not be available anytime in the near future, fans have started having doubts on whether Cyberpunk 2077 will actually be a game that will live up to the hype that it has created.

The reason for the said delay is that the company wants to polish the game before it goes out. Hopefully, by the time the game releases, it will be everything gamers imagined and more. While, some may be doubting CDPR, their track record is awfully impressive and proves that fans have nothing to be worried about.


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