Nearly a year after the infamous ‘Slapgate’ at the 94th Academy Awards, Chris Rock took the stage for Netflix’s first live-streaming event. The show, titled Chris Rock: Selective Outrage, provided the comedian with an opportunity to hilariously address the controversial Oscar incident, and he did just that. In a strange turn of events, he seemed to defend the Bad Boys star as he took a jibe at his wife, Jada Pinkett Smith.
The 58-year-old comedian seemingly blamed Smith’s wife for his actions as he mentioned the infidelity case. However, new reports suggest that the comedian’s years-long obsession with the Girl Trip actress is the reason he targeted her during his latest stand-up.
Chris Rock’s Unhealthy Obsession With Jada Pinkett Smith
During his recent stand-up, Chris Rock targeted the Smith family with his jokes. The comedian mentioned Will Smith’s “selective outrage” and his wife’s alleged “entanglements” with August Alsina. While many believed that the comedian pointed out the issues due to the infamous Oscar incident, this does not seem to be the real reason behind it.
A source close to Jada Pinkett Smith has revealed that the Down to Earth star has a decades-long obsession with the actress and that she has nothing to do with any sort of tension between her husband and Chris Rock. The source even claimed that the obsession was the reason he chose to host the show in the Collateral star’s hometown Baltimore, Maryland.
“Jada has had no part in all of this other than being heckled. Chris is obsessed with her, and that’s been going on for almost 30 years.”
The Bad Company star also claimed during his stand-up that the 51-year-old actress asked him not to host the Oscars as part of the 2016’s #OscarsSoWhite movement. The source claimed the comedian dragged the whole issue to his Netflix stand-up.
Chris Rock’s Beef With Jada Pinkett Smith Started Years Ago
The 2022 Oscars incident was not the first time Chris Rock and Jada Pinkett Smith were involved in a controversy. The beef between the two allegedly sparked in 2016 after The Matrix Resurrections actress supported the #OscarsSoWhite movement.
She reportedly supported the movement after the Concussion star did not receive a nomination for the 2015 sports drama under the Best Actor category. Rock talked about it during his recent show, saying that Pinkett Smith asked him not to host the Oscars “cause her man didn’t get nominated for Concussion.”
The source, however, claimed that the Bad Moms actress never asked the comedian not to host the award ceremony, instead, she supported him. The source said,
“She never asked Chris to not host the Oscars ever. She publicly said in a Facebook post at the time Chris would be a great Oscars host and is perfect for the job.”
According to Chris Rock, he just wanted to put an end to the whole thing at the 94th Academy Awards. During his Netflix special, he said that the American actress started it and he wanted to finish it with “some jokes.” However, things went down the wrong lane after the Emancipation star went on to slap him on stage.
Chris Rock: Selective Outrage is available to stream on Netflix.
Source: People