Jurassic World, a continuation and new beginning for the cherished Jurassic Park franchise, made its appearance in 2015. Many believed that this low-budget movie was doomed, yet it shattered box office expectations upon release, ushering in a golden age for the formerly mighty series.
The first Jurassic World success, starring Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard, was a breath of fresh air at the box office. While it’s always fantastic to have a variety of heroic alternatives, fans praised Jurassic World for being both familiar and novel. The franchise was back in action after making $1 billion; this time, and this time it was a money-making machine.
Chris Pratt got paid more than co-actor in Jurassic World
The first Jurassic World success, starring Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard was renewed for the second installment of the film, Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, Variety claimed that Howard received US$8 million while Pratt received US$10 million. Howard claimed that she was paid “so much less” than mentioned in the report. Talking about this to Insider she revealed,
“The reports were so interesting because I was paid so much less than the reports even said, so much less. When I started negotiating for Jurassic, it was 2014, and it was a different world, and I was at a great disadvantage. And, unfortunately, you have to sign up for three movies, and so your deals are set.”
According to Howard, who spoke to Pratt about the salary difference, the actor assisted her in negotiating higher terms for additional brand chances that weren’t predetermined by her initial deal, such as video games and theme park attractions.
Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard fought to get equal pay
Pratt, who frequently receives negative criticism, gained some respect from fans online for standing up for Bryce Dallas Howard and demanding that she be paid more for expenses outside of her film income.
“What I will say is that Chris and I have discussed it, and whenever there was an opportunity to move the needle on stuff that hadn’t been already negotiated, like a game or a ride, he told me: ‘You guys don’t even have to do anything. I’m gonna do all the negotiating. We’re gonna be paid the same, and you don’t have to think about this, Bryce,’”
Howard added,
“And I love him so much for doing that. I really do, because I’ve been paid more for those kinds of things than I ever was for the movie,”
It’s wonderful to see that Pratt stood up for his friend and co-star. Pay equality being the standard globally over time would be good.
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom is streaming on Amazon Prime
Source: Insider