In the aftermath of the film Bruce Almighty, phone lines across the United States were inundated with calls, creating a widespread phenomenon. Even a church led by a pastor named Bruce found itself unexpectedly receiving a surge of inquiries.
Released in 2003, the blockbuster film Bruce Almighty featured an all-star cast including Jim Carrey, Jennifer Aniston, and Morgan Freeman. In this engaging tale, Freeman portrays the role of God, bestowing upon Bruce (Carrey) the full extent of his divine powers to determine if he can outperform the Almighty in running the world.
A Small Mistake Cost Filmmakers A Lot Of Trouble
The film’s overwhelming success took an unexpected turn when the filmmakers overlooked a critical detail in thoroughly reviewing a phone number. In the realm of cinema, phone numbers are typically handled with caution, often utilizing the universally recognized 555 prefix, specifically from 555-0100 through 555-0199, as the use of other 555 numbers beyond this range could inadvertently correspond to real, functioning numbers.
Yet, in a pivotal moment within Bruce Almighty, a scene unfolds where God pages Bruce, using the number (without an area code) 776-2323. Intriguingly, the filmmakers took the initiative to verify this number within Buffalo, New York, Area Code 716, the very location where the film is set, and to their relief, discovered that the number was unclaimed by any individual.
Regrettably, the filmmakers neglected to extend their verification efforts to encompass the entirety of the country. Consequently, before long, various individuals, businesses, and organizations across different regions, each with their own area codes, started receiving calls mistakenly addressed to the divine figure “God.”
Remarkably, one of these numbers coincidentally led to a church, and to add an astonishing twist, the pastor at this church happened to share the first name, Bruce.
Bruce Almighty Almost Got A Sequel
Reportedly, the screenwriters of Bruce Almighty, Steve Koren, and Mark O’Keefe, revealed an intriguing possibility: actor Jim Carrey was very close to reprising his role in a potential sequel. In this alternate scenario, Carrey’s character would embark on a fascinating twist, acquiring the powers of the devil. This proposed concept stands in stark contrast to the original premise, offering a captivating contradiction. Remarkably, both Carrey and his manager enthusiastically embraced this concept when it was presented to them.
“We went in and pitched it, but it never quite worked out, because it was later on … It would have been another giant movie and I don’t think they wanted to do it. It just didn’t work out for some reason.”
The reasons for the sequel’s absence from the screen remain speculative, but one possible factor could have been the perceived darkness of its theme, potentially not aligning with the prevailing sensibilities of the time. Interestingly, Koren noted that despite the weighty subject matter, the sequel was intended to be crafted in the same light-hearted comedic spirit as Bruce Almighty, aiming to strike a balance between the serious and the friendly, just as the original film had done.
Bruce Almighty can be rented on Apple TV.
Source: Legends revealed