Marvel is expecting a fourth Captain America movie soon anchored by The Cloverfield Paradox director Julius Onah. This movie will feature our beloved Sam Wilson as the new Captain America after he took over the mantle in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier Disney+ series. As the fans were quite excited to watch our new Cap in action, a certain major news outlet is caught in a digital brawl with the fans for not acknowledging Anthony Mackie as the new owner of the Star marked vibranium shield.
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Sam Wilson as Captain America
Although in the Disney+ series The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, we witnessed the journey of Sam Wilson played by Anthony Mackie to achieve the mantle and shield of Captain America and how he slowly transformed from Falcon to the blue and white-suited superhero, the journey started a lot earlier.
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It dates back to the ending of Avengers: Endgame, where an elderly Steve Rogers passed on his Star-studded shield to Falcon stating that he is the ideal successor. This move was a surprise to many of the fans and also received appreciation about how Falcon received the title and not Winter Soldier which was also justified in many ways.
Quite unexpectedly, our New Cap is caught amid controversy as a reputed news portal refused to acknowledge Sam Wilson. As soon as it caught the attention of the wide Fandom, they didn’t give it any second thought and came in to defend the new Cap. It was very clear to the fans what is the real subtext hidden behind this.
The Fans Draw Shields to defend the new Captain America:
It has always been the Captain drawing his shield to protect his the people from dangers and catastrophes but now it’s time for them to repay and they successfully do so by defending Sam Wilson from this new injustice by a news outlet that still refers to him as some sidekick to the MCU big bosses. According to the fans, it can’t be so difficult to call him Captain America:
The fans are enraged by this move and also equally upset about the demeaning nature of the article and the subtext beneath it. Moreover standing in the 21st Century, the public platforms do need to take responsibility regarding what they speak about and how they speak about hat respective topics.
You can stream all the episodes of The Falcon and The Winter Soldier on Disney+.
Source: Twitter
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