Joining the MCU franchise, Captain America: New World Order is finally expected to be showcasing a larger roster from the Avengers including Anthony Mackie as Captain America and the introduction of Shira Haas as Sabra and Danny Ramirez as Falcon.
Announced right after the finale of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier was released, we saw Sam Wilson get promoted from Falcon to Captain America. The previous film introduced Black Panther from the Kingdom of Wakanda and now we will see Sabra from Israel join the MCU.
Who is Sabra from the comics?
Ruth Bat-Seraph in most iterations is a part of the Israeli force, either the Mossad or the Police forces of Tel Aviv, and both of which become instrumental in her harnessing her powers which include the regular superhuman checklist.
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Due to Sabra’s powers being a result of mutation, she’s closely linked with many groups of mutants in the comics including Charles Xavier’s Mutant Underground and Excalibur. Her close links to the X-Men might be an indication that the MCU is officially including the mutants in the continuity.
The future of mutants in the MCU
The inclusion of the mutants has been murky at best, as Charles Xavier was only included as a cameo in Doctor Strange in the multiverse of Madness and Ms. Marvel hinted to be a mutant. They can finally join the MCU due to Disney acquiring 20th Century Fox, which owned the rights to X-men.
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Since Sabra is already a mutant in the comics and has close links to the X-men, she could not only introduce the concept of mutants to the MCU but allow more of them to join. Considering many of her stories span borders, we could see Mutant Underground or Excalibur included too.
Captain America: New World Order is slated to come out on 3 May 2024.
Source: CBR