Bob Odenkirk initially rose to prominence as a comedian, forming a dynamic duo with David Cross on HBO’s Mr. Show with Bob and David. Fast forward, and he’s become a multiple Emmy award nominee for his exceptional portrayal in the Breaking Bad spinoff, Better Call Saul, under the category of Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series. His versatility to excel in both comedy and drama underscores his ability to tackle virtually any role with finesse!
But what exactly is the net worth of Bob Odenkirk? Given his involvement in numerous TV shows, alongside roles in highly acclaimed films, he has undoubtedly carved out a remarkable career. Hence, one can’t help but wonder about the financial rewards that come with being such a multifaceted actor.
How Much Did Bob Odenkirk Make From Better Call Saul
Bob Odenkirk not only assumes the lead role in Better Call Saul but also serves as one of the show’s producers. In recognition of his contributions to both acting and production during the inaugural season, Odenkirk reportedly earned $150,000 per episode. As the series progressed to its sixth and concluding season, his compensation reportedly increased to $200,000 per episode.
Taking into account our earlier mention that Odenkirk commenced the series with a $150,000 per episode rate for the initial 10-episode season, his earnings would have totaled approximately $1.5 million for that season. With his compensation having escalated to $200,000 per episode for the sixth and final season, comprising 13 episodes, Odenkirk’s income for the series’ last season amounted to a grand total of $2.6 million.
If we presume that Odenkirk’s earnings were at least $150,000 per episode for the seasons in between, it’s reasonable to estimate that he has accumulated a minimum of $8.6 million from his standard salary for his involvement in both acting and production on the series. However, if he has secured an agreement to receive royalties from the show, Odenkirk’s potential earnings could significantly surpass this sum.
Bob Odenkirk Was Paid Way Less In Breaking Bad
Reports indicate that Bob Odenkirk commenced his journey on Breaking Bad with an initial compensation of $25,000 per episode during the show’s second season. With the expectation that his salary likely increased over the years, we can make an estimation of the cumulative earnings he amassed through his appearances over the remaining five seasons of the series.
If we calculate Odenkirk’s earnings based on $100,000 for his four episodes in the show’s second season, at least $300,000 for his 12 appearances in the third season, at least $325,000 for his 13 appearances in the fourth season, and at least $400,000 for his 16 appearances in the fifth and ultimate season, his total earnings from his appearances on the show alone would amount to at least $1.45 million. This estimate could potentially be higher if he received salary increases over the years or negotiated royalties as part of his compensation package.
Better Call Saul is available for streaming on Netflix.
Source: Parade