“Did I mention it’s silly?”: A Bite Sized Interview With Bite Sized Archie’s Ron Cacace (EXCLUSIVE)

"Did I mention it’s silly?": A Bite Sized Interview With Bite Sized Archie's Ron Cacace

We spoke with writer and co-creator Ron Cacace about the new Bite Sized Archie: Going Viral print collection from Archie Comics hitting in May.

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Ron Cacace Talks Bite Sized Archie

Ron Cacace Talks Bite Sized Archie

Q: For those who don’t know, what is ‘Bite Sized Archie’?

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Ron Cacace: It’s a very silly weekly webcomic featuring the Archie Comics characters that I write alongside the tremendously talented Vincent Lovallo, who handles all art duties. Bite Sized Archie is meant to poke fun at our current culture, whether that includes online trends, memes, video games, movies, or just being alive in a weird time. Did I mention it’s silly?

Q: What’s unique about the Going Viral print collection?

Ron Cacace: We publish the comic online for free every week and that’s how most people have seen the strips, just whenever they come across it on social media. What’s really cool about the book is that we provide a bunch of behind-the-scenes stuff for every comic, like Vin’s sketches and character designs, easter eggs, and commentary from both of us. We want it to feel like you’re having a conversation with us while you’re reading through. It’s a much deeper reading experience and helps us share more with the fans.

Q: What makes Bite Sized Archie different from a traditional Archie comic? What are some of your influences?

Ron Cacace: Each Bite Sized Archie strip is only 4 panels long, so we have to be able to set up a joke and (hopefully) land it in a very short amount of space. Some of the best Archie Comics jokes of all time are the one-page gags that you still see today in the digests. We’re building and taking influence from the many amazing storytellers that have come before us, while also looking to what’s happening in the modern webcomic space for inspiration. We want to feel both familiar and new at the same time.

You can pre-order here!

Bite Sized Archie
Read new Bite Sized Archie strips every Friday on the Tinyview Comics app or ArchieComics.com.

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Written by Donovan Reed

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